Primordial - Redemption at the Puritan's Hand

I liked To The Nameless Dead when it came out, but didn't really listen to it particularly often. Then about 18 months ago, I sort of re-discovered it and found it to be simply phenomenal, really one of the most "passionate" albums I've ever heard. I love the anthemic quality of Heathen Tribes, the savagery of Gallow's Hymn and No Nation On This Earth is simply one of the most epic and uplifting songs I've ever heard. That said, I saw them live recently and they played a new track that went down an utter storm, I'll be buying the new album first chance I get.
Just buy the record guys, it's not that expensive even on Amazon.

For people outside of the US and from Northern Europe in particular I can't stress this enough. The dollar is way cheap and when I bought CD's just a couple of weeks ago the price was about 68% of what they would have cost in store in Sweden (109 SEK compared to 159 SEK). And that my friends was with everything included (shipping etc). A great deal.
Meh... I think they already peaked on Spirit The Earth Aflame and Storm Before Calm. Both records contain such epic and beautiful songs that I just don't find on the last three albums. TNND was good, but I noticed getting tired of songs like Empire Falls and Gallows Hymn. They just seemed more exciting on their older albums...
This album has now sunk in for me and I think it's basically on par with all their other albums. Like the others, a couple of amazing songs and a fair amount of filler. The amazing songs being No Grave Deep Enough and Bloodied but Unbowed, both of which I heard them play live yesterday.
Is it just me or aren't the lyrics much weaker than on previous albums? It seems Nemtheanga went for a much more simple and hackneyed approach which I definitely think is a shame.

Take Bloodied yet Unbowed for instance... This is very very mediocre:

I told you once, I told you a thousand times, no regrets, no remorse
No vile and whiskey-soaked wisdom or bloody-knuckled politic
Do I regret? Not a single moment
Will I ever repent? Will I ever repent?

And you may say that I have lost to a better man
And well, this may be true, I cannot protest or lie
Yet maybe one who did not dare to be wrong or even to be right

To those who did not dare to sing out of tune
Or sing a different song
To march to the beat of a different drum
And speak the truths others fear
Just give me one thing to live, or die for
To live.. give me one thing to live or die for

So here's to comrades near and far, so raise a glass, raise your voices
Years have passed between us, some would say that they have not been kind
Yet these are the scars of war, and we remain yet we stand bloodied yet unbowed
We are.. we are bloodied yet unbowed

Wrath is the standard with which I bear the flag do we fly marching to war
Only a nation that dare not speak it's name, nor can ever shed it's pain

So here's to comrades near and far
Who've raised a glass, raised hell
Years have passed, closer to the grave
But this is the song we chose to sing
To the bitter end, to the end, to the bitter end!
Okay at first listen I didn't rate this too highly, but now on the 9th or 10th listen the album is really beginning to move me. I hated the vocal delivery at first but it's beginning to grow on me - it's awkward, no doubt, but the imperfection kinda suits the rough and human vibe of the music. I think that a lot of the greatest works of art are often highly flawed in one way or other and it is these flaws that let us connect deeply with a piece.

Regardless, the lyrics are generally fucking spot on, the ridiculously ghetto drum playing/production has finally reached what I think he always intended it to sound like, great chord progressions, and barring the strange phrasing some of AA's vocals are fucking phenomenal. The enunciation of "The iron hearse sent on bitter tracks to the Gulag" in Black Hundred is so goddamn powerful. Lain with the Wolf also has some spectacular singing and is probably overall my favourite track so far. Great storytelling and songwriting.

Bloodied yet Unbowed doesn't really do anything for me though and the last two songs have yet to particularly capture my interest. I'll have to give them a few listens in isolation. Ultimately I don't think the album is as striking as TTND, but while that album grew old for me fairly quickly I think these new songs will have a longer appeal. I connect with them on a deeper level.

And yeah, the lyrics to Bloodied and Unbowed are definitely inferior to the rest of the album. Lain with the Wolf for example:

"I have lain wth the lamb
Sang his tender praise on long dark nights
Searched my drawn face long and hard
For a sign of his light
Shoulders to the wheel for the grist of faith
Is manna for the blind
Like a child of Cain without the providence of truth

Joy did come. It rose with the morning sun
Like cold guilty sweat across my brow
These are the first words that fell upon my lips

I have lain with the wolf
He seeks me out and demands my company
In the corner of a crowded room
With words of madness and water of fire

He whispers, when the demons come
Do you make peace with them or do you become one
of them? Do you?
If I give name to my furies, can you name them?
He preaches salvation in the loins of women
And the black sciences

When the shadow fell upon me
I knew I was running with the wolf
And it was his eyes I saw staring back
And this I learnt and this I know
You cannot escape the beast when you wear his mark"