Primordial - "To The Nameless Dead"

Nov 28, 2002
San Fransisco, CA
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Didn't see a thread on this already (feel free to direct me to one and delete this if I missed it). Got a hold of it yesterday and I'm really loving it so far. Definitely feels more like their older albums, its more aggressive than "The Gathering Wilderness" I think. What are your thoughts on it?
I like it a good bit, it certainly was alot more along the lines of A Journey's End than their past three albums which I didn't have a problem with. I found it absolutely fantastic.

Is it enough to outdo any of the albums in my top three? Nah, Reverend Bizarre, Witchcraft, and Electric Wizard have those seats taken quite comfortably but it would gladly replace Necros Christos's place at number four.
It's good to hear that they haven't changed much. That's always a fear of mine when a band I like puts out a new album that they claim to be a bit different than the previous. But then again, I can't see Primordial switching their sound to something shitty like stoner doom or metalcore.

Damn, I'm torn between no longer accepting your opinion as valid because of calling stoner doom shitty and just saying fuck it because you like Primordial alot. :p
I like my dark and depressive music too :p Primordial and Agalloch are two of my favorite bands after all.

Also I don't know man, Electric Wizard's Dopethrone is pretty dark and I'd say fairly aggressive.
I d/led it yesterday (chill out I already bought it :D)), and have yet to hear the whole thing (I like to take my time with awesome albums... go song by song), but Empire Falls and Heathen Tribes are both devastating.

Definitely more agressive than Gathering Wilderness, which isn't good or bad just different. Glad they haven't changed their sound. They don't need to. Awesome production too.

Every day Primordial comes closer to being my favorite metal band I think heh. And I thought I'd never say that about any band. One of the few acts out there that can send me into paroxysms of emotion every single freaking day and it never gets old.
The Gathering Wilderness was just ok to me...nothing spectacular but this album is blowing me away already. Definitely more aggressive and the vocals are a big part of that. Very strong vocals and the songs are more structured.
This can become one of my favorites of 07'.
You're an asshole :mad:

Sorry for having an opinion. He doesn't have a bad voice, in fact, it's pretty damn good when used well, but I find the same pompous, oratory tone (even though it suits the music) is used in every song with the same expression and 'melody' if that's the right word. If his voice were a guitar riff you would say that it has been recycled over and over.
It's not that he has a bad voice, but that he doesn't hit the notes. It wouldn't hurt to take some singing lessons, just like any guitar player who can't hit the right fret should take guitar lessons.

Empire Falls rocked. Can't wait to check out the rest