Primordial - To The Nameless Dead

This is the first and only album I have heard from them and it is very good.
Finally, this is supposed to be war music!

Oh, who said that? Have you read anything the band itself put in the booklet explaining the main themes are nationhood and the loss of faith? Or maybe you decided it should be war metal? You're Primordial's muse maybe? Look, if you can't understand metal past the base level of BAM BAM BAM RIFF RIFF RIFF RIFF YEAHHHHH!!!! INTENSE!!! WE'RE SO DRUNK AND COKED AND INTENSE!!!! Why the hell did you waste our time and yours, listening to a multilevel, dedicated and accomplished act like Primordial?
The guitars are some of the best in metal today. The drumming is superb. Primordial are a band that will NOT cut corners, in any structure of their albums. Whether it be lyrically or musically. This band is atop the mountain. Certaintly not to be bunched in with all the poser and cookie-cutter bands out there. But, in appreciating your opinion, I absolutely do not agree. You better do something about that,"flaccid" thing, man.
I dont get why everybody compares this album with the gathering wilderness, while a journey's end and Spirit the earth aflame are for me the best albums primordial made. It seems a lot of you only know the latest 2 albums, well then I can say go fucking get their older stuff and get even more hooked up!
Im not saying their latest stuff is not great, i just think their older stuff is even better :)

Oh yeah, if you have the chance to see them live, don't doubt! Alan puts so much power and soul behind his vocals that each gig I have seen until now was fucking passionate and true.

Like he said, please remember that in 2008 some bands still sing about things that mean something in this world...
I own "Imrama", "Journeys End", "Storm before Calm", Spirit the Earth Aflame", "The Gathering Wilderness" and "To the Nameless Dead" I believe I have a strong understanding of Primordial.