Primordial update...

You don't like Desaster?
Stormbringer and A Touch of Medieval Darkness are the ones I have and both are definitely nice but not much more, the former starting to get their souls (old skool thrashing hell) into it at least a bit and the latter mostly just copying what was hot at the time of release. Doing it quite OK but not astoundingly so. So neah, kinda sorta. Indifferent I suppose, but like I said I have a feeling later releases would be more up my alley.
I've actually never heard them, but a lot of people with tastes similar to ours like them...maybe I should sample a bit.
I want my Friday night HC roster to come true: double headliner of Primordial and Destroyer 666 -- and then one song which Nemthenegar wrote with KK Warspick.
This isn't a cover album is it?

Did I miss something?:

From the homepage

Playlist :

Celtic Frost – Monotheist

Converge – You fail me

Corrosion of Conformity – Into the arms of god

Skepticism – farmakon

Incantation – Onward to Golgotha

Slough feg – Hardworlder

Immolation – Shadows in the Light
I sure hope it's not! I want some Primordial originals :(...
I would suspect "play list" means what the band (or Alan) is listening to. :loco:

[/captain obvious]

So he's giving the new Slough Feg a spin, huh. <- almost as good as Traveller

Here's hoping Metal Blade do more than just release the album and donate some $$ to a Primordial tour. Doubt that they could headline but it'll be good to see them on the road with someone like Celtic Frost or whoever.
YES! YES!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
