Primordial News


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands

“We are proud to announce we have signed a world wide deal with Metal Blade Records. After thirteen years in existence this will be our fourth record label and hopefully our last. Some may find Primordial and Metal Blade a strange combination as we have musically relatively little in common with many of the bands on the roster but that’s what makes it such an interesting and challenging combination on so many levels. We had other offers and interest from various labels and it was clear to us we had to step things up with a bigger label . When we looked at things in the cold light the Metal Blade offer was by the far the best and it became clear to us that we were dealing with a genuine label run by Metal fans for Metal fans with a vast Metal legacy over three decades and not with one eye always on the profit margin. We hope to record our next (fifth)album during the Summer/Autumn with famed engineer/producer Billy Anderson here in Ireland for an early Winter release. We have a few European shows here and there before then so until then…vae victis”
Primordial. April 2004


This is a weird combo. I'm sure it'll work out though. And Billy Anderson? Didn't he produce some Neurosis, Sleep, and High on Fire? Another weird combo. Oh well, that's my contribution for today.

PS - Don't be forgetting to get the long OOP Primordial demo, Dark Romanticsm, being released on CD in the summer. Yabba-dabba-doo