Bringing Primordial to the USA


May 16, 2004
Hey all.

I was searching the board (not RC the whole board) for a thread about HC a while ago and I remember coming across someone saying something about trying to get people organized to pay to bring Primordial to the States for a concert (maybe HC 2?) Anyways, I was just wondering if this ever came to anything. If not, then I think we should DEFINITELY get this going. I know for a fact that there are quite a few Primordial fans on GMD and, from what I've seen, RC as well. I'm definitely a fanatic myself ;)

On the Primordial boards I posted asking about this and Nemtheanga said this:

we've talked about going over the us many times and we hope we can do it in 08
main problems for small european bands are the huge distances to be covered in a camper
the unscrupulous attitudes of many us promoters and venue managers...or. playing for pizza o)
getting working visas, caries from country to country and the increased security even getting into the US these days. if you have any kind of minor conviction even sometimes traffic offences they can stop you getting in...

still we would hope to be able to do a coast to coast tour sometime or one coast at a time at least !!!!

guess we'll see how the album does over there

Anyways just figured I'd throw this out there. I figured we could get the band to at least do one gig, if not a whole tour (though that'd be awesome), if we could get enough people to maybe buy a ticket in advance or something. There's probably enough dedicated Primordial fans on these boards to do it.
We're back to RC Fest territory. :tickled:

In all honesty, you're better off flying to Dublin and see them perform with their local crowd. Failing that, one of their stops on a Euro-tour like Ragnarok.