Sponsoring Primordial to come play in the USA

Out of curiosity, I was checking out the last.fm numbers of some of the bands mentioned in this thread, so I figured I might as well post them. I didn't know Primordial would still end up that far down the list. They get stomped by all four bands on the Pagan Fest tour. I also had no idea that Agalloch was that popular. And all the WitTR hype sure hasn't translated into last.fm listeners.

Band Name               - Total Plays - Total Listeners
*Coheed and Cumdumpster   - 11,881,342 - 257,860
*As I Lay Dying           - 7,127,931  - 130,263
Ensiferum                 - 4,647,318  - 86,237
Agalloch                  - 1,970,616  - 52,081
*Job For a Cowboy         - 1,401,738  - 38,881
Turisas                   - 1,236,970  - 37,556
Tyr                       - 569,098    - 16,403
Suidakra                  - 478,885    - 10,493
Eluveitie                 - 470,324    - 13,817
Darkane                   - 381,369    - 22,956
Primordial                - 325,325    - 9,264
Susperia                  - 290,820    - 12,694
Negura Bunget             - 202,161    - 10,378
Persuader                 - 188,824    - 12,118
Wolves in the Throne Room - 101,934    - 6,196
Horrorscope               - 19,167     - 902

*edits for RiA
Royal Carnage does not represent the average metal head. Out of curiosity what are the numbers for bands such as "As I lay Dying", "Job for a Cowboy", and "Coheed and Cumdumpster"?
Royal Carnage does not represent the average metal head. Out of curiosity what are the numbers for bands such as "As I lay Dying", "Job for a Cowboy", and "Coheed and Cumdumpster"?


Assuming your comment refers to my comment about "Wolves in the Throne Room hype", I was actually referring to talk of them in mainstream circles, not RC, but perhaps I was overestimating the amount of that talk. Additionally, I now remember that the very well-attended show I saw them at also happened to be free.

If HC announced a date, I'd be all for it. Right now I'm working on the premise that CPF is my last hope for a festival in 2008.

Did I miss some update?! Also, is it assumed that Primordial would play HCIII? Not that it matters since I'd go either way, I'm just curious.

Spoke to John (Heathen Crusader/Mr Mayhem) a little while ago. He can't get to a computer right now. He asked me to post that there will be a Heathen Crusade III in 2008. They are trying to nail down a date(s) in late November/early December. I'm guessing that it will be at the same venue.

As for Primordial being at HC III, I would hope that they at least try to get them.
Spoke to John (Heathen Crusader/Mr Mayhem) a little while ago. He can't get to a computer right now. He asked me to post that there will be a Heathen Crusade III in 2008. They are trying to nail down a date(s) in late November/early December. I'm guessing that it will be at the same venue.


As for Primordial being at HC III, I would hope that they at least try to get them.

When it comes to HC, it matters not. I'm there either way. That said, I hope they get some crowd pullers to break even. Agalloch must be a contender, just look at those last.fm numbers.
Out of curiosity, I was checking out the last.fm numbers of some of the bands mentioned in this thread, so I figured I might as well post them. I didn't know Primordial would still end up that far down the list. They get stomped by all four bands on the Pagan Fest tour. I also had no idea that Agalloch was that popular. And all the WitTR hype sure hasn't translated into last.fm listeners.

Band Name               - Total Plays - Total Listeners
*Coheed and Cumdumpster   - 11,881,342 - 257,860
*As I Lay Dying           - 7,127,931  - 130,263
Ensiferum                 - 4,647,318  - 86,237
Agalloch                  - 1,970,616  - 52,081
*Job For a Cowboy         - 1,401,738  - 38,881
Turisas                   - 1,236,970  - 37,556
Tyr                       - 569,098    - 16,403
Suidakra                  - 478,885    - 10,493
Eluveitie                 - 470,324    - 13,817
Darkane                   - 381,369    - 22,956
Primordial                - 325,325    - 9,264
Susperia                  - 290,820    - 12,694
Negura Bunget             - 202,161    - 10,378
Persuader                 - 188,824    - 12,118
Wolves in the Throne Room - 101,934    - 6,196
Horrorscope               - 19,167     - 902
*edits for RiA

Neil -- can you do this for any band? Can you look at heathen/pagan bands and just see which seem to be the most popular? I'm essentially referring to possible candidates for HC3.
Eh, I hate the fact that Pagan Fest is latching on to such shit festivals. (California Metalfest anyone?) All the sub-genre needs is a bunch of emos with slant cropped hair sporting Mjolnirs while crying to Odin over why their girlfriends broke up with them at their neighborhood Blot party.
I had a fucking incredible dream two nights ago of an impromptu trip to Alaska. I dreamed that a chum and I voyaged to the Pacific Northwest, and wounded up crossing a threshold of fog that took us to an Ice World. I asked a local townie how far to Anchorage, and the Inuk lady replied that we were only 20 minutes out. I was ecstatic by such a discovery and we traversed the froth layered roads for another couple dozen kilometers until we reached an Alaskan pub. At this time we had metamorphosized in to elderly gents. I believe I was the Tim Conway doppleganger of the duo. Well to make a long story short my buddy leaps out of the second story window and impales himself on a spiked coconut tree. It was a holy shit moment to say the least. Soon after that frightening debacle, I returned to my youthful glow, but was teleported to an Alaskan National Park where I was surrounded by hunters and bears who possessed the intelligence of Yogi and Bubu. Except these weren't friendly bears, but blood thirsty Kodiak raptors who kill men with the vigor that Susperia displays while picking turnips. Probably the coolest nightmare I ever had. :kickass:
Neil -- can you do this for any band?

heh...no, because I only have so many hours in the day to devote to meaningless statistic-gathering. But YOU can do it!

Just go to http://www.last.fm and search for the band you care about. Or even http://www.last.fm/music/Band+Name

...and knowing is half the battle!

I keep meaning to write a script that will automatically grab the web page and extract the numbers, but I haven't gotten around to that yet. Of course it would be easiest to just have access to their database.

There is also the data from last year's fests http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...mparison-band-popularity-metal-festivals.html for more comparisons.

I'm pretty sure metal blade could fork SOMETHING over for the show if they see their fans sponsoring them as well. You could always contact the European branch of Metal Blade too and see if they can contribute.

Honestly, though, I don't think they'd do HC3 if they do this fest, so take that into consideration.

At any rate, as long as the lineup looks overall solid, I'll be at the fest. Heathen crusade is an automatic go for me too, just because it's Heathen crusade and I'd feel like I was committing treason against the metal community for NOT being there.

Finally, the day I see emo kids wearing Mjolnyrs and listening to bands like Ensiferum is the day I stop going to shows. I doubt they would anyway. Not enough breakdowns.
Eh, I hate the fact that Pagan Fest is latching on to such shit festivals.

yeah but in the case of CPF, with its roster as it stands, it's very likely that it's seen as the other way around -- meaning, CPF is indeed latching on to PaganFest. Look at those Ensiferum and Turisas numbers.

EDIT: By the way, just out of interest:

Children of Bodom: 13M
Amon Amarth: 5.5M
Wintersun: 1.3M

Chances are, PaganFests around the country will be occupied by Bodomites.