Print, Web or PDF

Jan 28, 2009
Since the publishing of Metal Maniacs has been suspended and other "very good" print mags like Unrestrained! have ceased operation, was wondering peoples thoughts on media survival.

I love Print but I also know it's dying due to the Web, which is still a hit or miss with me (I've found that with Print I'll take the time to sit back and read, but with the Web I find myself skimming more so than reading). I've seen some Print go to PDF format which is a great idea since it incorporates both Print and Web, but then I always come back to the thought if people really want/need Print or PDF since one can go to Myspace, download a song, or a band/label Web and HEAR the music instead of READING someone else's opinion.

One thing I have noticed about Print/PDF is that they offer more band interviews, which seems to be lacking with the majority of "CD review" sites on the Web. This is one thing that hugely disappoints me when it comes to the slow death of Print.

So...Print, Web or PDF.
Or none of the above.
I pretty much get my metal news here and on another forum so I guess web. I used to spend money on magazines but I then found myself hording them even though I usually never looked through more than 1/10th of the thing and never looked at it again. Waste of space and money.