pro-tools 7.3

Jun 6, 2007
hi does anyone no where a can get pro-tools 7.3 upgrade from pro-tools 7.1. Digidesign dont have it on there site and say they cant get me it :Puke:
why not just upgrade to 7.4? I haven't heard anything about that doing anything yet, but 7.3. had some major issues, at one point i installed one of the cs updates and it deleted all of my audio in the session.
well as 7.4 just came out, i reckon ts gonna be hard to come by.
im holding out on 7.4 until i've finished the two big sesions im on, cant afford to just dive head first without knowing its gonna be stable.
any one on 7.4 here?
a think you need 7.3 to get 7.4? where would a find out about getting it free if a can upgrade to 7.4 a would its only £40