PRO TOOLS 9 is now compatible with MOTU interfaces!


I try.
Aug 20, 2010
Boston, MA
Hey guys.
I wanted to let you know that the company I work for MOTU has now made their interfaces compatible with Avid's Pro Tools 9!

our interfaces are award winning and have amazing clarity.

if you use Pro Tools 9, advance your mixes by purchasing one of our high quality Audio/MIDI preamps!

I also encourage you to try out our cutting edge DAW
Digital Performer 7!
I'm not pr
I just program and repair these things

Grammar skills?
I don't get paid to advertise to you guys, so I don't care to make it better than any butchering of the English language I see on this forum day after day.

I do however encourage you to check out the products
I work hard at making sure audio preamps sound like Jesus.

And yes, the products compatablity does in fact involve a small coding change.
So "made" is not an incorrect statement.
I just checked with my manager
You are indeed correct
I stand corrected

Thanks for that.

I don't mind MOTU interfaces. They're not as shit as some other interfaces, and they offer good features.

Digital Performer is awful though, I have to say. It just never clicked with me. In my job I have to have a handle on all DAW's for QA purposes, and DP just never sunk in. I still check the manual every time I use it now!! :loco: