Pro Tools errors after bouncing. Faaaarrrrkkk!!!!!


Apr 11, 2006
Ive tried searching around and have NO idea whats going on with my Pro Tools sessions.. After the bounce finishes - but before the files are processed, my PT8 crashes, saying that I have encountered error (-9128) - that I am running out of CPU power.
Considering Im running a Core2Quad at around 2.4GHz and dont have any problems at all during playback, I really dont think CPU power is an issue...

I searched around for a while and found others that have had this problem in the past - and did what had been recommended and had worked for them - setting Tools to only use 3 of the 4 available processors..

I then tried again and after the first attempt at a bounce it read a different message - unfortunately I went to try again and hadnt made note of the error number - but now it is back to the original error about running out of CPU power.

Pleeeeassse, if anyone knows whats going on here, please help me!
Im desperately trying to bounce down an album to get it mastered for a band and Im pushing it VERY close to the deadline as it is already! HELP!

Thank you in advance :)
Try recording to disk instead, set the output of each track to a bus; name it mix bus.
Setup a new stereo track and assign the input as the mix bus you just made
Record arm the track , hit record and you should be gold.

Some plugins can play havoc with tools. Take them all out and then add them back in one by one.
Cheers - Ive tried doing this before but only changing the master bus output - which leaves me with nothing going through it unusually.. Is it possible to just change the output on the master to a spare stereo bus or would I have to go through every channel and change each track/bus that was going to the master to the new stereo bus?

Also, thats a good idea about having the mixes side by side, Ive never done that before but will be sure to do it from now on!
Or alternatively, there would be nothing wrong with sending all tracks that were routed to the master bus to another stereo bus via a post fader send at unity? Sorry if thats a noob question :p
If you press and hold option while clicking on the output control of one track, it will change all the outputs to whatever you assign that track so you dont have to go through it individually.
change the master fader to bus 31-32 (doesn't have to be this one, just one thats unused)
Make a stereo audio track with the input set to bus 31-32
record enable it.
Any track that was previously set to output 1-2 now needs to be set to bus 31-32. To do this, select them and hold shift alt/option and set the output of one of the tracks. All the selected tracks will change too.
Don't forget to set your FX return outputs too.

You can also do it using an aux track and 2 stereo buses if you want. The only difference between that way and with a master fader is that the effects on a master are post fader. Lowering the master fader will change the amount of bus compression, not a good thing. Aux tracks have the inserts pre fader.
Ah cool - yeah I knew I couldnt do the option-click thing as I have so many tracks outputted to aux tracks - it was a little time consuming going through all tracks and changing but works fine, cheers!
Will post sample of the EP im working on in the rate my tone section as soon as Ive mastered the tracks.

Man... I really dont seem to know how to do this :p
How do i make recorded tracks into one consolidated stereo track that I can take into iTunes?? It always has the mix L and mix R tracks...
dont have to bounce.
Highlight region and then export region as files
chose stereo
dont have to bounce.
Highlight region and then export region as files
chose stereo

Ah, awesome man, this is exactly what I was after. Legend!
I was hoping I wouldnt have to bounce - as for some reason I cant at the moment! I think im going to have to go back to 7.4 - my computer seemed to like that a lot more.. And then Ill have multitrack BD again too, woo!!

Ah, awesome man, this is exactly what I was after. Legend!
I was hoping I wouldnt have to bounce - as for some reason I cant at the moment! I think im going to have to go back to 7.4 - my computer seemed to like that a lot more.. And then Ill have multitrack BD again too, woo!!


your MPTK isn't working in PT8? Or did you just out yourself as a pirate?
The original toolkit SHOULD work fine in PT8 as long as you run the updated installer for version 8.

Errors when bouncing, creating or saving files is usually due to corrupt databases. Use the tech support utility to trash them and the preference files.
Your bounces should work.