Pro tools mix bus?

carcrash club

New Metal Member
Dec 8, 2003
I'm changing my studio around from being based off PT and mixing out thru a Trident console to a more streamlined PT setup. I've been told you mix everything in PT. Do you sum there as well or do send everything out to some sort of analog summing device (dangerous 2 bus, manley, ect.). Im moving completely to PT for recall purposes since Im normally working on 4 to 5 projects at a time, and am tired of fucking with a digital camera taking pictures of my board so i can recall mixes.

Do you do most of your processing with plug ins or do you go out thru outboard stuff? At the point that I'm at I'm really loving the idea of a control 24 and mixing with mostly plug ins and mixing out important tracks thru some quality outboard and printing the tracks so everythings completely recallable.
What are some of the plugs you cant live without?

What are some of the 'heavy hitters' in metal doing mix wise? I know Colin Richardson just mixed one of my friends records and it was done on an SSL. Is that what he normally works on? Im starting to get some bigger records coming thru and want to get all the equipment stuff straight so I wont have to think about it for awhile, and am looking for suggestions. Thanks so much. I'm glad I found your site.
I have a dangerous 2 bus, but alot of the time for sheer convenience I mix within Pro Tools. I couldnt do without Channel Strip, and Waves C4, sound replacer and AT
Do you normally use a lot of analog processing and print the tracks... or is everything pretty much all in the box? Sorry for being nosy, but im moving into my new space in about a month and have so much work to do, but havent quite yet decided on what direction I want to go with my equipment. I'm definetly going all PT though. Just trying to figure out how to make it all work.

Another thing is I'll have add a bunch of external mic pres to replace the ones in the board. For now all I have is a vintech 1272 and two api's. I really liked the pres and eq's in the trident. what are you using for EQ? just plugs or anything outboard? Sorry for all the questions, just looking for some options. Take care.