Probable Redundant Thread: Cheesiest Album


Sep 7, 2001
My pick for cheesiest album is Rhapsody’s “Dawn of Victory”

“At the court of King Chaos, only blood can write its own tragedy.” :lol:

I suppose I could have chosen any Rhapsody album. :tickled:
“At the court of King Chaos, only blood can write its own tragedy.”

Delicious fine cheese if you ask me, cheese nonetheless. There are probably others worst but De misteriis dom satanas makes me have some good laughs...never knew Donald Duck could be so freaky and scary painted in black and white, didnt seemed like that on the 50s cartoons:lol:
hahahaa, anything by Rhapsody/Turrilli, Manowar etc. But I think the all-time cheese award is a 3 way tie between Yngwie Malmsteen, Pegazus, and Sacred Steel (the worst band EVER)
Originally posted by Sadistik
hahahaa, anything by Rhapsody/Turrilli, Manowar etc. But I think the all-time cheese award is a 3 way tie between Yngwie Malmsteen, Pegazus, and Sacred Steel (the worst band EVER)

How could I forget Sacred Steel? I'm so :mad: at myslef. Dear lord do they suck. :tickled: As comic book guy might say, "worst vocals ever."
anything off the end to end all wars album by yngwie malmsteen but especially the chorus sections on bad reputation, make me piss myself laughing, u gotta hear that song, its just sooo cheesy :D