Probably A Dumb Question, But...

Walter_Langkowski said:
...Is the Scorpions album "Lovedrive" worth picking up used for $5.40? This is available to me and I don't have this one. It is from 1979 and I recognize some of the songs like "Loving You Sunday Morning" and "Holiday". Yeah, $5.40 is pretty cheap, but I wanted some opinions first.


Yes Walter, yes. At that price go for it undoubtedly. It marks the end of Uli Roth era and the beginning of Jabbs era, is a great transition album and has really neat tunes like 'Holiday', 'Another Piece Of Meat' and the great 'Is There Anybody There?'
madcheese9377 said:
What's up Wyvern ,man, hows it goin'?

Same old same. What about you cheesy nut, haven's see you around in quite awhile?
Ahhh, I don't hang around too much, but I like to read every once in a while to get some kicks.
got a new comp. but I messed it up and am gonna fix it soon, but it'll be a while till I get internet.
I just keep on workin' and tryin' to record more demo stuff, Painting my guitar new color, ONLY THE GREATEST COLOR IN THE WORLD SINCE THE INVENTION OF BLACK, Grey. yep.
(note that the above statements of inventions are somewhat false)
well I gotta go bro, see you around, and don't trip and scrape your knees.later.
Pick it up ASAP!

It is easily their best, and it's a masterwork of late 70s metal.
Literally every song is's heavy, yet it has the classic Scorps ballads which they used to do so well (their recent ballads have embarrassingly bad).

Heck, the CD is worth $100 alone just for the beautiful "Always Somewhere" and "Is There Anybody There?".

Awesome release.
you see, you have two options here.....
1) you can take everybody's advice and get the cd, or
2) you can be a "winner" and piss everybody off and NOT get the album :lol:

i'd go with #1...but i just wanted to remind you of your options :tickled:
#1_Droogie said:
2) you can be a "winner" and piss everybody off and NOT get the album :lol:

Winner didnt piss me off ... but I knew as soon as he started postin he would Piss ppl off I welcomed him with open arms because of that basiclly because I knew it would be fucking funny once everybody got pissed :grin: