Probably A Dumb Question, But...

JonnyD said:
Winner didnt piss me off ... but I knew as soon as he started postin he would Piss ppl off I welcomed him with open arms because of that basiclly because I knew it would be fucking funny once everybody got pissed :grin:

ahhh so u set Winner up because u knew he would go overboard and then he would get banned.. very clever.. very machiavellian.. :grin:
Winner said:
Alright, I can tell most of you are sloppy, filth covered pussies with the mental capacity of a puss filled sack on the end of a beaners dick, so Im not expecting any good answers.

But what the fuck, I'll ask the question anyways. in your opinion, what is the best band ever? Get into it and explain your pathetic answer, bitch.
well THAT was a little uncalled for, but he was alright with me :Spin:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
ahhh so u set Winner up because u knew he would go overboard and then he would get banned.. very clever.. very machiavellian.. :grin:

Yeah, JD is actually plotting, scary notion! :hypno:

royboy said:
I bought it new and I thought it was worth plus in the booklet some girl is showing her tits.

When I opened the booklet and found the bonus, ahhh :grin: Which actually I was glad since the US vesions of "In Trance" and "Virgin Killer" are censored which had always pissed me off. Luckily I got the "Back In Black" collection that come with the original artwork.

madcheese9377 said:
I just keep on workin' and tryin' to record more demo stuff, Painting my guitar new color, ONLY THE GREATEST COLOR IN THE WORLD SINCE THE INVENTION OF BLACK, Grey. yep.

Post pics of the devil's machine as soon as finished. Take care.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
ahhh so u set Winner up because u knew he would go overboard and then he would get banned.. very clever.. very machiavellian.. :grin:

Welll it wasnt exzactly like that but I knew he would shake things up, the place needs it once in a while hahaha its not like I planed for him to get banned as a matter of fact I asked Hawk to let him rip for a while .... I know I'm an Evil Sonofabitch but a guys gotta have some fun :)
SoundMaster said:
Heck, the CD is worth $100 alone just for the beautiful "Always Somewhere" and "Is There Anybody There?".

Great cd, yes, but if you're offering $100, I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to sell you my copy !! :grin:
Thanks for the opinions guys. I budgeted all my money and managed to squeeze out the cash for the purchase. :grin: I haven't listened to it yet but I will soon. My car stereo is fucked up and I need to get a whole new sheebang installed so that sucks ass.

And MX...actually when I was younger I really wasn't a big Scorps fan. I bought LAFS in around 1987 and I liked it a lot. It's just that the other stuff I had heard through others was a bit lightweight for me at the time. Too much thrash :loco:

Now their stuff appeals to me simply due to the fact I am an old (dirty) bastard and us old folks don't like that crazy heavy shit anymore :grin: That part is a joke as I still like it nice and heavy, it's just that I have a higher appreciation for Metal that is styled more melodically, and the Scorps definitely are high on the list for that! I'll have to look for more of their older stuff.

Incidentally...was it a law that a Rock album had to be less than 37 minutes if recorded before 1979? :erk: Ever notice how many "Classic" bands always had really short albums? That shit would never fly today what with how high-priced CD's are. If I don't get at least 50 minutes on a brand new release then I am highly pissed! Just a thought.