probably one of the most impassioned performances ive ever seen


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
so ive had one of those nights where ive got drunk and got depressed as fuck for no aparrent reason during the walk home
been sat listening to bon iver all night


fuck technicality, this is what music is about
he looks like he's about to burst into tears, goddamn
Thanks man that was great, he really feels his music and I agree, that's what it's all about.
2:09 and 3:09 are passion themselves.
ah fuck it i tried to listen but that out of tune guitar and all those bad notes made me stop no amount of passion gonna get past that for me
i have about 60p to my name right now. which is something like a dollar
what consitutes a bad note?
if he messes up because he's too busy pouring his soul into his music, is that not excusable?
meh D:
i <3 bon iver
haha hell yeah
i have some kopparberg downstairs that my nan brought me back from holiday :3 niiice
damn jager bombs and marlboro reds skint me out last night though
i have no fucking idea why i bought marlboro reds, i dont particularly like them that much D:

Jagerbombs dont last long enough with me, me and my mates were doing the traditional 'who can down them the fastest' against each other (3 of us - winner plays next person), I literally had to stop because I was taking them in like three seconds flat and it was taking them at least fifteen. We finished the damn £20 bottle in 10 minutes. Far too expensive man. And hell yeah, kopparberg is awesome.

Anyway, that performance (just watched it) was also fuckin awesome, so genuine I dont give a shit if the guitar was in tune or not.
what consitutes a bad note?
if he messes up because he's too busy pouring his soul into his music, is that not excusable?
meh D:
i <3 bon iver

Dont get me wrong i love emotion in music i mean thats what its all about right?? But when i hear out of key notes and tuning problems and unfretted notes it brings the whole performance down for me. There is no reason you cant have both good performance and emotion in the playing imo this guy would be better off letting someone else play the guitar and he could concentrate on the singing which seems to be great, or maybe he just played a few bum notes which happens us all i guess:saint:

Check this shit out for a live performance

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theres plenty of videos up on youtube of him playing shit perfectly but it just feels a tad more sterile emotionally than in that video
i mean even when he plays shit a bit vanilla like, its still 10x more passionate and genuine and powerful than most shit, but that video from jools holland is just a huge step above everything else, he just truly lets rip there, so i figured id post that vid.