Problem with reamping.


Apr 18, 2010
So I've got a problem here. I got a ProRMP from a family member and things aren't working out so far. I run the DI track to the amp and it just squeals when it comes to gain. No sound at all just squealing. This is what i have going on.

At the moment I'm just using the Rose of Sharyn di's to test it.

I put the DI track into Sonar 8 and selected the output to be on the Lexicon Lambda.

DAW -> Lexicon Lambda line out -> ProRMP -> Cable to TS9 -> ISP -> Amp's input jack.

I'm using a Mogami TRS to XLR balanced cable form the line out to the ProRMP. Should my output level be all the way up on the ProRMP? Anyone have any ideas of whats up?
Also I just wanted to say that it makes the squealing noise even when nothing is playing. It only seems to work on the clean channel. TS9 engaged on the clean channel gives feedback same goes to the lead channel on my Baron
Are you sure you don't have a monitoring loop. This happens when your amp sound is coming back into your interface and mixing with the di sound going to your reamp box.
Alright you guys were right with the monitor. ^ Yes I used the ground lift but that wasn't the problem it seems.

Now I have another problem. When I go to record now the DI seems to get all messed up. It gets really fizzy sounding.

It's coming from the Line out and I'm recording with the right mic in.
Wtfisthisshit indeed!
Something is distorting like fuck there, you've not got a amp sim already on the DI track do you? Whats your TS and amp gain settings like?
No sim or anything. It sounds fine playing through the amp. Once I arm the recording and press record it does that. Gain is all the way off on the TS9 and the gain on the amp is at noon.

Even with the recording of the mic being armed and just pressing play it does that.
Well I actually figured it out. I ended up using WDM instead of MME on Sonar. Fixed it perfectly.