Question about reamping.

May 3, 2008
Ok, so I have been looking into getting a reamp box since I do most of my guitar tone testing by myself, and I would like to be able mess with settings without me having to spend time recording a new track everytime I change settings.

With that said I'm looking at the Radial ProRMP to use as my Reamp box since I'm on a pretty tight budget. I also have a Pod XT Live that I will use as my DI I think. But my question is how would I run the DI track from my computer > Behringer UCA-202 > Behringer UB2222FX Mixer > Radial ProRMP > Amp?

If I'm thinking right, I should run the DI track through my control room out on the mixer and then get a 1/4" to XLR cable which runs into the Radial ProRMP. Is that how I should connect it or is there a better way? Thanks.

I apologize if this has been posted before. I'm just a little confused and couldn't find the answer by searching. Thanks again.
Are there RCA to XLR cables. That's what I first thought because that would be the simplest way it seems, but I wasn't sure since the interface has RCA outputs.

EDIT: There are some RCA to XLR cables, but I would only use one of the stereo outputs on the interface right since all I need is a mono track, right?
Yep, and make sure you pan the track to whichever side you're using if your DAW won't let you output just through one channel!
Definitely, most agreed that if anything reamping does a little bit of exciting, which within a mix was not noticeable at all. When the mic'ed track is under a microscope of course you can hear tiny differences like that...with drums, bass and vocals that stuff is nonexistent.

Looks like you've got a lot more headroom, so you should turn up the preamp gain - I tried it out quickly through my regular signal chain (TSS-Wagner-Boogex), though, and it sounded good to me! However, it's a stereo track, meaning you either recorded in stereo or bounced a stereo file; when you've only got one signal (in this case one guitar) it should always be mono.
Looks like you've got a lot more headroom, so you should turn up the preamp gain - I tried it out quickly through my regular signal chain (TSS-Wagner-Boogex), though, and it sounded good to me! However, it's a stereo track, meaning you either recorded in stereo or bounced a stereo file; when you've only got one signal (in this case one guitar) it should always be mono.

Cool. Yeah I bounced the stereo track on accident, but the actual DI track in Logic is mono. Thanks.
Yeah just try to get the peaks to consistently hit around -3dB or so. You don't want it to clip, but you don't want a ton of headroom either really. You can make the level you are getting now work, no problem, but the hotter the DI, the less noise you will be introducing when you go to reamp.

all the talk of di boxes got me thinking,

i did my first reamping today with no di box of any kind. i sent the signal out of pro tools from the 1/4 inch jack in the back of my digi002, right into the amp's input and hit play (just used my regular guitar cable). everything sounded fine, but should i worry about using a di box? would this cause any damage or impedance issues?