Problems with my bass


New Metal Member
Oct 31, 2010
I've been working on a new mix for a short while and I keep finding problems with low end. I know it's going to be down to my inexperience with taming the low end of the bass and eq-ing out enough space for it to sit well but I just can't seem to crush it enough so it's stable throughout the song.

It's quite loud in this example, just to show you where I'm going wrong. I've been reading for hours for tips/tricks/tutorials on how to flatten the lows into oblivion but I'm having no luck. Maybe it could be something else in my mix that I am overlooking.

Let me know your thoughts,

Edit: I'm aware I just posted this in "Off Topic" by accident, would appresh if it could be moved elsewhere. Sorry!
Hi pass everything in your project except bass and kick to at least 130hz to 200hz this gives you room in your mix for the bass to shine and not be overcrowded, also are you limiting or compressing the bass guitar? i limit the crap outta mine so its steady the entire time