Probot - s/t

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002

self titled

Southern Lord 2004

By Nathan Pearce



What is Southern Lord doing releasing this? In case you’ve been hiding under your mom’s bed, Probot is Dave Grohl’s metal side project. Yes, that’s correct. Dave Grohl of, most notably, Foo Fighters and some band called Nirvana.

Probot is basically Dave Grohl’s music (he plays all instruments on this) with the vocals of several BIG names in metal. Here’s a list of the vocalists he was able to recruit:


Max Cavalera


Mike Dean

Kurt Brecht

Lee Dorian


Tom G. Warrior


Eric Wagner

King Diamond

Kim Thayil, Erol Unala, Bubba Dupree, Lemmy, Cronos, and Wino also contribute their respective instruments to various songs.

Are you impressed yet? Well, I have to admit I was a little skeptical about this. Dave Grohl has created some great music with Foo Fighters, Nirvana, and Queens of the Stone Age, but what could he possibly know about METAL???

Apparently he knows a lot! Somehow Dave Grohl is able to make each song fit the vocalist in question perfectly. “Red War”, with Max Cavalera on vocals, sounds like something right off ‘Chaos A.D.’ It’s a little too slow to be from any early Sepultura album. “Ice Cold Man”, with Lee Dorian on vocals, is sort of a more stoner version of Cathedral. “Sweet Dreams”, with the almighty King Diamond on vocals, is chilling, and it’s down right scary how much this sounds like something straight from King Diamond’s B-sides.

Now I’m sure people will have their gripes about Dave Grohl not having a style of his own on this, but that isn’t exactly the point. He, in fact, has a sound and style that is consistent throughout the album, but because each vocalist is so original in their style, Dave Grohl comes off sounding like he wrote each song specifically for the intended vocalist. That is not the case, however. It is a testament to the vocalists on this album, that each songs sounds like one of their own.

