Probot strikes back . . . twice!

npearce said:
I actually agree with Markgugs, but I just HAD to make a little fun. HOWEVER, Probot is still a fun album.
So Dave Grohl is just a complete bullshit artist then? Wow, what a fucker. Did you put that sentiment in your review? The shit he says in Terrorizer makes his 'metal history' sound so believable as well....geez.
I agree with Markgugs in the sense that Grohl couldn't make a REAL metal album. Probot is more of a tribute album. It has metal songs and metal musicians, but it isn't something that I would call METAL. I don't really know how to explain it. It is fun for me to listen to, but it doesn't contain the essence of metalness . . . or something like that.
npearce said:
I agree with Markgugs in the sense that Grohl couldn't make a REAL metal album. Probot is more of a tribute album. It has metal songs and metal musicians, but it isn't something that I would call METAL. I don't really know how to explain it. It is fun for me to listen to, but it doesn't contain the essence of metalness . . . or something like that.
OK but is it a GREAT album? I guess I just don't know which way to go with Probot because you started this thread by saying...

npearce said:
Probot truley is a great album. I hope some of you will put your "I'm too tr00 for Dave Grohl" attitude aside and check Probot out on February 10th (the release date).

npearce said:
Garth Brooks grew up as a huge Kiss fan, but he somehow fell into country music. That doesn't make his passion for Kiss any less (he recorded a cover of Hard Luck Woman). He just doesn't play arena rock. I think Dave is in that same situation.
I won't break the download rule, I'll just grab a CD-R of someone. Sticking to my "the only thing that counts is the music" motto, then if I like it, I'll get it. I did see tonnes of copies in Best Buy yesterday. :cool:
He did not grow up in this world, he does not call it his own.

:erk: huh?
You mean just because he didn't play in a metal band he must not have the cred to play some metal !?!?

Like I said before ... I would not really call this a Metal record ... as some had said already ... there is something missing for it to be called a true metal record (and it is not the passion) ... and even Grohl says in the liner notes that he cannot play drums fast (in reference to some old DRI tunes).

This record is a tribute to some of his favorite bands ... and since he has the connections and the dough to pull something like this off .. he did it!

It's a fun release .. give it a chance.
lurch, trust me, I understand your points and everyone else's.

Let me repeat: I'm NOT slagging the album or band even as being poorly recorded, not being enjoyable, etc, etc. so on and so forth.

I AM slagging the album as being a wicked about face for someone who's name was never synonymous with metal. How is this any different than Dez from Coal Chamber being in Devildriver? There's an old adage...a snake by any other color is still a snake.

Now, so I'm not misunderstood, I'm not calling Grohl a snake. I happen to have LOVED Nirvana, and quite a bit of the Foo Fighters as well. I can't understand why my point is so difficult to comprehend though (not directed at anyone in particular, just in general).
Cor Blimey! Reading this thread from the the beginning is like a Thriller - there are so many twists and turns especially in the irony department. We start off saying it's a cool album and after reading the comments I'm left scratching my head...

npearce said:
It has metal songs and metal musicians, but it isn't something that I would call METAL.
Yeah, I really get this, NOT! This makes as much sense as celebrating ones Barmitzvah and saying you're not Jewish!

markgugs said:
I'm to believe that all of sudden, this form of metal is his true calling and he's just been waiting to unleash this on the world? Sorry. Ain't happening.
Wow, militant thinking here. An album is released by an author who is not considered 'Metal' yet when that artist releases a supposed metal album (which sounds terrific) you sit in the corner screaming 'I won't listen to it, I won't I won't' and throw your toys out the window. Sheeyat god damn dude you need to get out and chill.... boyeee :)

This is the second commandment from the law of GUGSWAY - 'Thou shall throw ones toys out of thy own window - if no one agrees with me.' Holy shit ding dong. :)