Probot sampler


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
A "PROBOT player", featuring streaming selections from FOO FIGHTERS frontman/former NIRVANA drummer Dave Grohl's much-anticipated metal side project PROBOT, can be accessed at this location (user name: probot, password: warlock).

features tracks with eric wagner, lee dorrian, cronos, wino

i can't believe Southern Lord is putting this out. the THOTH pics on their site is about as close as i'll ever get to being huge.
the beginning of the lee dorrian song sounds totally like TROUBLE! i'm fairly interested in this bugger. although the appeal will probably fade; what i dig and what i listen to on a daily basis differ. i'll dig this, but probably listen to it a couple times, skimming through much of it. then i'll probably go back to listening to flaming lips, stereolab, and sarah vaughan