Processed master comparison

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

A friend of mine is working on a process to enhance already mastered loud tracks.

So your ears and feedbacks would be much welcomed to help him out.

• Original
• Processed

Those are wave files (33M each), I definitely suggest you should download them and import them in your DAW of choice to make the comparison or you won't probably hear much difference.

Thanks a lot :kickass:
"Processed" is better from listening without level matching, so that could just be because it's more processed.
Was just about to write my impressions :)
From the very first listen (like 10-15 seconds), just after downloading, it seemed to me that the processed version is a tiny bit more punchy and clear.

And as it always happens in such cases, after importing into the DAW, flipping phases and frequency matching, I realized that things are not that obvious and the difference is not that noticeable.

The levels do match perfectly, and tracks are subtracted best when their levels are equal. The processed seems to have a tiiiiny high frequencies rolloff. Won't lie, I can't hear it. What I can hear (and see) is that there is a bit more attack coming from the shells in the processed file. Analyzing mid/side brought me to the assumption, that the attack was boosted in the mid channel.

In general, it is a very intelligent work. Yet completely unthankful, since no one does simply get the squished dynamics back to a bricky track like that:)
Processed sounds better. I'm not listening on my monitors right now, but from what I hear the low mids and lows seemed to be a bit more "right" there. This would probably have been an easy fix in the mix, but I'm guessing the point of this process is that you don't have the possibility to go back to that stage, right?
if i didn´t know there really should be a difference i wouldn´t hear any.
i switched back and forth between the two and don´t think there is a difference anyone would care about.