Producer ANDY SNEAP Performs With ACCEPT In London; Video Available - June 1, 2010

Awesome!, saw them last sunday (without Andy) and they were fantastic!
Congrats Andy.

BTW, in the second video, until 00:25 is a total disaster...hahahaha, Peter is playing the wrong notes in 00:03 or 00:04, then drummer and guitarist are lost. And the total lulz is 00:24 Wolf looking at Stefan and doing some head shaking like "ooh..nooo...we totally fucked"... and rest of the song is angry...hahaha.
I'm hoping Andy is loving this time he has spent with some of his idols. It's a rarity that you get to meet and interact with people you genuinely idolize and it's even better when the interaction turns out well. Congrats Andy - can't wait for the album.