Producing Just For Fun. :)

Branden Giraudy

Slap Chop Master
May 15, 2010
Hey guys! Even though I haven't posted much, I've been on this site for a long while. I'm 17 years old and I'm producing music as a hobby for now, until I go to school for music production. My graduation is tomorrow, so I'll have more than enough time to turn this production hobby into a career (hopefully).

Please, if there's anything wrong with my production, help me become a better producer.

Thanks for any criticisms! :D

Edit: ALSO! The clips on the Facebook page are obviously from newest to oldest, so I included my most recent production and the very first recording I've ever done. Thanks a lot guys!
For fun is exactly why you should be doing it! If you don't enjoy it what's the point :)

Have yet to check out your facebook page but checked out the breakdown. I like breakdown stuff so I thought it was pretty cool. Mix sounded pretty good. You might want to edit the guitars to grid just to tighten them up. Not that they are horrifically out - but it would make it sound even more killer.

Might help to say what gear you are recording/producing with too. Are you using Superior Drummer, POD Farm, Slate Samples any of that sort of stuff.
I'm currently using POD Farm 2 to record guitars and bass. I'm considering trying out Lecto to mix both of them to see what I come up with. Hehe. :3

As for the tightness editing, I'm really a fan of that "live sound" so I don't really edit guitars to perfection even though I should. Haha. For this band I'm recording, I'll definitely do it.

The drums are a mixture of various layered samples I've found all over this forum. The snare is a sample I personally recorded, layered over the real snare drums. Added distortion to the snares for a crispy feeling.

Vocals, which aren't in any of the clips, are recording using BLUE microphones and an Audio-Technica.

All the mixing, EQing, and mastering is all personal preference. :p

Oh, forgot to mention: Recording program= Logic Pro.
Eh, not really. Most of the generic stuff was played by my buddy. I think he is.

But other than that, is there anything you think I should improve on, Seth?