Production Opinions?

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
If you were in a band looking to record your album, and heard this clip from a local studio, would you be interested?

Looking to pick up some business doing demos/albums for bands on the side, and I figured I should put a short "audio resume'" online for potential clients. :)

Let me know if you think it sounds OK.


I guess this is the same post you posted on the Andy Sneap site. Yes sounds very good!

Can you give a little more info on what tools you used. I know you listed the mics on the other site. But what about the preamps/ processing recording format etc...?
I'd really like to hear what you used to obtain this sound.

hmmm...depends on the rates. I was planning on working with Jeff Waters to do the mixing for my project at a specific rate (the friends rate actually) but I'd be willing to courier the tracks elsewhere if the price was right, with equal or better results. On the other hand, my motive for collaberating with Jeff should be obvious. I'm going to PM you about this Matt....perhaps you'll have some better suggestions...Jeff is a thrasher almost by default, so his productions all tend to have the same quality...synths and heavy layering seem almost lost on him. You should have a better idea of where I'm coming from and could lend a more artistic melodic metal mind to the process. sigh...but I really want Jeff's endorsement. Food for thought.

You have been PM'd :wave:
beechstudio said:
I know you listed the mics on the other site. But what about the preamps/ processing recording format etc...?
I'd really like to hear what you used to obtain this sound.


Preamps were Amek 9098 and M-Audio Octane. Recorded at 24-bit, 44.1 into Nuendo. Processing just depended on what needed doing; a good bit of EQing, a fair amount of compression, lots of filtering, it just depends. I use the UAD plugins a lot--lately I particularly can't live without the Cambridge EQ. It always does exactly what I need it to and the filters are amazing.
Matt Smith said:
If you were in a band looking to record your album, and heard this clip from a local studio, would you be interested?

Looking to pick up some business doing demos/albums for bands on the side, and I figured I should put a short "audio resume'" online for potential clients. :)

Let me know if you think it sounds OK.


That would be a resounding, YESSSS!!!

I love the sound you get out of the guitars and drums! The bass is a bit low in that sample (for my taste), but I know that is nothing that can't easily be dialed in. Is that the Krank through the small Boogie cab?

Thanks for all your warm wishes and signing the card going around at PP. I really do appreciate that. And I was hoping on talking to you down there. :(

Did Matt Brookins put one of our demos in your hands? I hope so. If not, I'd gladly mail one down to you or you can DL from our forum or on MySpace. While not 100% complete, the songs on it are pretty far along and I'd love to hear your unbiased opinion.
Well I'm not in a band (though I'd like to be), but I think the sample sounds very good.
I agree with Rick though. One of my first impressions was that there could be a little bit more low end in the guitar sound.

I guess the production of your new album will speak fo itself.

So, if I meet bands on the net that look for a studio, can I point them to you?
Yeah, definitely...I just lost my job so feel free to send bands my way.

Hey Rick, good to hear from you man. I hope your family is recovering OK, considering. As for the guitar sound on that clip, that's 2 tracks of Krank and 2 tracks of Dual Rectifier, both through the small Mesa cab. Mostly Krank in the mix, probably 70/30.
I actually didn't get the demo...what's the link to your myspace page?
Thanks for the speedy reply Matt. I will get what you need to you as soon as possible...the pics anyway, not sure how long recording will take....but i got a hunch
Matt Smith said:
Yeah, definitely...I just lost my job so feel free to send bands my way.

Hey Rick, good to hear from you man. I hope your family is recovering OK, considering. As for the guitar sound on that clip, that's 2 tracks of Krank and 2 tracks of Dual Rectifier, both through the small Mesa cab. Mostly Krank in the mix, probably 70/30.
I actually didn't get the demo...what's the link to your myspace page?
Man, I'm sorry to hear that. It must be that time of year or something. Seems to be going around. Hopefully I won't be joining you anytime soon. Best of luck getting a new job or getting your studio running enough to generate income!

Thanks! Yes, we are and I appreciate the thought. I really missed seeing everyone this year.

Wow! It sounds awesome -- great job dude! I really like the sound of that Krank. I just re-tubed my Mark IV, it had been fine and then the sound started to quickly deteriorate. Now it sounds awesome again. You really do have me thinking about getting one of the smaller Boogie cabinets. I have the one that looks just like Romeo's. Yeah, can you believe it man? He copied off of me ;) (I've had mine since '91)

So you have a Dual Rec too? Just how many amps do you own?

"Hi, my name is Matt and I'm an ampoholic." :lol:

You didn't? Here is the link to our UM thread that has links to DL a couple of the tracks.

Our myspace link is

Anyhow, I hope everything works out with the job situation. Take care!
Matt Smith said:
Actually the Dual Rec isn't mine, I just borrowed it for a few days. But I definitely loves me some amps. :goggly:
I'll check out the demos.

That's cool Did you do the Nevermore cabinet shootout with it too? I'd love to hear that sounded by itself.

Also, when you did that, did you record it once and then re-amp the rest of the time? Also, did you realize that the Pod XT Pro has reamping built right into it? That's pretty cool in my book.

Hahahaha!! Nothing wrong with some toys!

Cool. I look forward to hearing your opinion on them -- song-wise, performance-wise, and of course, production-wise. :)