proffesional bass recordings!


Oct 30, 2008
well since i got the idea on one of the replies of my previous thread i suppose not many of you read it so i'm opening a new thread:

i'm making a demo to the album i intend to record and i need someone to track the bass guitar parts.

the songs are not too complicated what i have so far is guitars and proggramed drums.
besides that i have everything written in guitar pro.
i know i can import the midi track from guitar pro but i want a HUMAN tracking that...

if anyone is willing to help either PM me or add me on skype my nick is shay.ofer

thanks to all in advance!
i was sceptical about adding a link to the demo files because they sound....well.....bad

it's only guitars and prog. drums and some of it is not edited yet so i don't want to give a wrong impression as to what it WILL sound like when it's done

but i added the link anyway.
keep in mind, tough, this is only DRUMS and GUITARS! not a final product
not trying to be a dick at all, I even mentioned I might be up for doing it if I manage to have the time, but if you want "professional" you most likely have to pay something, cause professional people don´t tend to work for free. Of course you might find someone willing to do it for free, nothing wrong with that, just saying cause you stressed the word professional on the other thread as well
well maybe i should replace the word proffesional with - "not out-of-tune out-of-beat half-ass playing which i can do own my own" :)

but bieng a good bass player and knowing how to record on unity gain is enough i suppose...
if i wanted to pay someone i'd have no problem finding a lot of players

all in good spirit of course!

p.s. i sent you the link by PM
If you don't want programmed bass then I don't see why you want programmed drums.

Some high end bass VSTs can sound very convincing. I honestly could record bass for you but I'm not a bassist so I don't think you'd want me to. Every time I record bass, I just keep it super simple so it'll flow underneath the guitar tracks and fill out the low end. Nothing fancy. No awesome basslines or extraordinary fills. (aka, like the rubbish bass playing you hear on radio songs. :rofl:)
But for the most part, I've had some bass VSTs that sound just as good really. A simple EQ and some processing and it works fine. I usually use programmed bass in my non-distorted-guitar-driven-tracks and a real one in the others.
i don't want programmed drums. i use it for the tracking proccess and to hear what the song will sound like when it's done.
it's much better to track guitars with drum+click instead of only an annoying click...

if you want you can give it a shot worst case scenario i won't use it...
guess your'e right man....

sorry if came off ungratful... this is a very big thing to ask and i was sceptical that anyone would even bother doing it
maybe i underestimated people's will to co-operate with one another but i'm drifting

anyway i'd love to collaborate with anyone whose willing on this album-to-be demo.. :)
who knows...maybe this after working together online we can end up touring together...

in the israeli musicians forum i got a lot more support so maybe i don't know how to express myself well in english... :\
I don't think he sounded ungrateful really, he was just asking if anyone was interested in helping him out. Doesn't hurt to ask. U wanna pm me a link too? I'm crazy busy but I have some new pres I want to mess around with so I might be able to make some time.
PM me a link to the demo or the guitar pro file and I'll take a look at it but I can't guarantee anything besides looking at it to see if I'm interested.
well, sorry again if i came off ungrateful...
i can really use any help i can get, it will save me HOURS of work plus when people are working together the results are often much better.

i'm starting to think that after the demo's will be fully tracked and edited i'll publish them and let ANYONE who wants to throw in a riff, solo, synth, vocal or anything else he/she :) thinks is good and add it to the final mix (if it's good...) but that's now the point right now.

anyway here's the GP files and here a are the DEMO files for your pelasure :)

i should note that the demo files contain only guitars and programmed drums.
vocals haven't been tracked yet and bass... well that's the the whole point of this thread....

by the way, if we are already on the subject, if anyone here is a drummer.... and happens to own electronic drums...
i could really use some nice, HUMAN playing...

thanks in advance for anyone whose willing to help!
Also, before i start recording... are you planning on offering any payment or anything for these recordings? Its a whole 8 songs to learn and record :D
yea...i remember suggesting that maybe he scour someone on the forums to help him get a recorded bass track - didn't know you're looking for 8 songs though!

people would have to be crazy to do that for a stranger for free...or just really bored
no if wanted to pay someone i'd have no problem finding bass players...

thing is you don't have to record the whole 8 songs.
you can record one song or two and someone else will record another one and so on...
before you record anything PM me the name of the song and i'll tell you if it's already been done and send you the tempo track and drum only/guitar only tracks for your convinience.
just remember to track at unity gain (about -18dbfs) and all should be well :)

thanks again for everything :)
To be honest, the basslines are a bit plain. If I were going to do this, I'd like to spice them up a little and do other things than roots/follow the guitars.