VST Bass guitar that use midi tracks?


Legendary Member
Feb 16, 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden
Ive read somewhere that it was possible to use a normal vsti amp simulator to play a miditrack, but when i tried studio devils bass vst demo i didnt get any sound

i made a midi bass track in guitar pro and exported it.

Is there any other bass sims that this could work with?
Take my advice with a grain of salt since Im no expert. But if understand you correctly I believe what you wanna do is beef up a synth bass to sound as close to natural as you possibly can.

what I would do is...
1. Find a decent bass soundfont (guitar pro stock wont do it). You can find these all over the net.
2. Export it as a WAV because I think youre trying to run it through a VST as a MIDI and I could be wrong but I dont think thats gonna work.
Bass sims? Do you refer to some bass vsti?
I just have one bass vsti that is Hardcore Bass.
You can also try Trilogy bass, Reason Bass or Bass patch in SampleTank, HyperSonic...
If you like something like bass synth, I've not ever used them, so I have not had any experience.
bass sims = bass simulator :P

i meant something like EZDrummer but for a bass guitar instead of drums,

and ive found one that works good enough now
Ive read somewhere that it was possible to use a normal vsti amp simulator to play a miditrack, but when i tried studio devils bass vst demo i didnt get any sound

This is the problem: "Vsti amp simulator". There is no such thing.

You want a VSTI (Virtual Studio Technology Instrument). That's a vst plugin that receives midi data and produces sound, as a virtual instrument. And it produces the sound either by reproducing samples, or by some kind of synthesis, or a combination of both.

Studio Devils Bass is an amplifier simulator. It can't do anything with midi data, save maybe automate some of its parameters. It takes audio and processes it to sound like it passed through a bass amplifier+speakers+microphone.
Hey Chris!

+1 to getting a real bass.
Even a pitch-shifted guitar can sound better than most bass vsti. Maybe the sound itself won't be as good as some samplers but the playing certainly will.
Hey Chris!

+1 to getting a real bass.
Even a pitch-shifted guitar can sound better than most bass vsti. Maybe the sound itself won't be as good as some samplers but the playing certainly will.

+1 to the pitched guitar, sounds waaayy better than any vsti outthere for me, and you can PLAY it, not program it, there r things you just can't program...
sooo this midi thing didnt sound good at all in a mix :P

so is there any good pitch shifter vst? thats better than the one that comes with reaper.

Is the best way to use a bass vst amp and pitch shift the in signal before the vst? or just use my engl amp and pitchshift the track ?
You don't need a plugin to do pitch shifting, it's a standard feature in all DAWs. In Reaper, once you have recorded the track: left click once on it, press F2, and write -12 to the field "Pitch adjust (semitones)" and press Ok.
It does take a bit of effort to get a realistic sounding midi Bass track.
Try randomizing the velocitys.

Also check out the Gtr to Bass preset in Amplitube 2. Think theres a 10 day demo.
If all else fails, Bournemark Broomstick Bass is a great Bass VSTi.

Fucking hideous worst garbage I've ever had the unpleasure of using :Puke: Seriously, when I tried various bass VSTs, that thing was only second in utter ridiculousness to Steinberg's piece of turd called Virtual (B)ass-ist :Puke:

At least Broomstick is not limited to preset basslines :lol: but still, the whole POS was limited to just one octave, with the lowest note being E1 :zombie::ill::u-huh::hypno: WTF?! :goggly:

The rest aren't much better, but Trilogy was the least worst of the whole bunch I've used. And that only if you never have the bass playing alone :lol:
Sampletanks preset "Reality Dave" is pretty decent.
But like i said, it does take some effort making it sound real.