ivankoloff said:
yes he was on the payroll zeezoozum, the book explains it very clearly, read the book


"Chomsky's entrance into the world of academe came in 1955 when he received his PhD. He was already a political radical, having determined at the age of ten that capitalism and the American military-industrial complex were dangerous and repugnant. You might think that Chomsky, being a linguist, worked for the MIT Linguistics Department when he joined the faculty. But in fact, Chomsky chose to work for the Research Laboratory of Electronics, which was funded entirely by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations. Because of the largesse from this "menace to human life," lab employees like Chomsky enjoyed a light teaching load, an extensive staff, and a salary that was roughly 30 percent higher than equivalent positions at other universities.""

Whether he is a hypocrit I could care less, but at least be accurate in what you say. His research into linguistics, as with much of MIT, is largely funded through the Pengaton and the miltary-industrial complex , as is much of the science and tech industries are...... This is something he admits to, and hardly seems interesting....

Either ideas are valid or not.......pointing out hyprocrisy is a child's game....same kind of shit arguments liberals would make....."How could Bush send troops to die, when he never went to war?"" Um, maybe because he's the President???????????
SueNC said:
i've seen that book. it's on my 'TO GET' list.

Hey, me too! Its on my "TO GET... OUT OF THE LIBRARY... FOR FRIGGIN FREE..." list. Along with a few Al Franken books. Ones I intend to comment on in red pen on the edges of key pages.

Jurched said:
Hey, me too! Its on my "TO GET... OUT OF THE LIBRARY... FOR FRIGGIN FREE..." list. Along with a few Al Franken books. Ones I intend to comment on in red pen on the edges of key pages.


if i could find something like that in the library, i'd check it out, but unfortunately, my county library doesnt carry such things.

i dont mind buying it. i'm building my own little library and i think this would be a fine addition.