How much do Rock stars (such as Hypocrisy) earn?


Mar 20, 2002
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I'd like to know if any of you have a clue how much musicians in the league of Hypocrisy, Children Of Bodom or In Flames earn.
Is it enough to have more than a normal life or do they live just as every other normal worker or office-man does? What are they going to do when their musicians career ends?

Tell me what you think!

grtz, Head
I know that Peter Steele of Type O Negative worked for NYC Parks & Services even when Bloody Kisses went gold.

I don't think metal "superstars" make a whole lot of cash. You have to rap and playing boring riffs to get paid well. :D

NP: Sacred Reich
I'm sure they make enough to get by.


Sorry, I'm sure someone here is going to say that eventually. They make enough to get by. More popuar bands like In Flames ( They sold out right? Pft ) I think earn enough so they don't have to do anything but just work in the band. I'm sure Hypocrisy is still doing a few jobs here and there to close the gap.
It depends how you handle the money. I know about people who live only from the money they get from about a half of the CDs of a band and from the same band the current bandmembers (get the money from all the CDs) can't do it woth the money. It also depends where you live, the costs are not the same in every country or in the different regions.
Don't labels requre the bands to pay back any advance they get?? That total is immediately gone from all sales the record makes.

It's very plausible that most members of bands have regular jobs too.
I read an interview that said Hedlund quit his job not too long ago (maybe a year). Peter made money with his studio, and Lars worked there too, so they make enough to live off of at least. In Flames is making more money, I think they're new album is selling really well , so they're fine without jobs. On the other hand, the guys in a popular hardcore band called Sick of it All had jobs for the first fifteen years of the bands existance.
I think that if you have a band and a job it works out quite well.
A small gig here and there isn't bad. Maybe you have the chance to record a demo and maybe you get a deal, would be even better but if not it's at least a nice hobby!
Just know that moonspell, e.g., can/could live from their music since portugal is a quite cheap country compared to others. A band like Dimmu Borgir also lives from the music but they have a very "small budget" - no house, no car etc. and cannot save much for the future...
Medion said:
Just know that moonspell, e.g., can/could live from their music since portugal is a quite cheap country compared to others. A band like Dimmu Borgir also lives from the music but they have a very "small budget" - no house, no car etc. and cannot save much for the future...

Yeah, you might be right. Do you think it would be possible to have a rock star career and a serious job like in an office. I think it wouldn't be too clever to cancel something like that for something that is very insecure like the life of a musician.
I think it's easier if you have a workers job. Don't you think so?
HeadCrusher said:
I think it's easier if you have a workers job. Don't you think so?
Sure it's easier but do you want to spend your life living for something which is not "it"? At the moment I'm also thinking about what I should do in my life and I would prefer the more "insecure" job to the boring one. Life is too short just to watch that everything you do is ok and secure and makes everyone happy except you. And after all there are enough of people who do that so you don't have to ;) *g*
Eos said:
Sure it's easier but do you want to spend your life living for something which is not "it"? At the moment I'm also thinking about what I should do in my life and I would prefer the more "insecure" job to the boring one. Life is too short just to watch that everything you do is ok and secure and makes everyone happy except you. And after all there are enough of people who do that so you don't have to ;) *g*

Now the discussion is going in the way were it starts to be really interesting! ;)

So what about a family, children and things like that? Sure an adventoures life would be great, but these things are nearly impossible then imho.
so what do you think?
Eos said:
Life is too short just to watch that everything you do is ok and secure and makes everyone happy except you. And after all there are enough of people who do that so you don't have to /forum/images/smilies/wink.gif *g*

You got it so right. I hate it when people think they know what's good for me or what I should do with my life. I don't want to find myself after thirty years wondering why I didn't do this and why I didn't do that. (And this is going way off topic, whoops.)

HeadCrusher said:
So what about a family, children and things like that? Sure an adventoures life would be great, but these things are nearly impossible then imho.

I guess its quite hard if you have kids and have to do lots of touring with your band and to be away from your family. Might be hard for the relationship in general if your partner isn't a really understanding one.
HeadCrusher said:
So what about a family, children and things like that? Sure an adventoures life would be great, but these things are nearly impossible then imho.
so what do you think?
First of all my life is mine and doesn't belong to my (possible, future) kids. To be honest at the moment I don't like kids and I don't want have any. Most probably that will change but anyway I don't want to have kids before 30 so I still have 7 years :D *gg*. Still, having kids doesn't mean that if you're a woman you have to be a housewife and if you're a man you have to get a job in a huge company. I surely didn't go to school and to the university to play housewife someday. And knowing big companies, the jobs there suck. People like that don't really get happy and then they are stressed and then they divorce (ok, fast-motion here *gg*)... It's all about organization. As far as I know Peter has got a son. I have no idea how much time they spend together but I can imagine that Peter is happier this way than if he would go to work every day at 8am and come home at 5pm and spend the rest of the time in the front of a TV (what a bizzare thought..)
Working 8 to 5 isn't as bad as I thought it would be, I don't want to do it forever though. At least I have my weekends for me. :D
it really depends on what you are doing in a band, even if you are successful. if you are songwriter AND also producer the band is a good way for touring etc. but you are not only dependant on the band. if you are "only" a member performing it is, for example, much harder. Just take a look at Cradle of Filth - 6 guys, but only one left of the original line-up. so, perhaps the current COF are earning money, but if somebody gets kicked he likely has to start again from the very beginning...