How much do Rock stars (such as CoB) earn?


Mar 20, 2002
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I'd like to know if any of you have a clue how much musicians in the league of Children Of Bodom or In Flames earn.
Is it enough to have more than a normal life or do they live just as every other normal worker or office-man does? What are they going to do when their musicians career ends?
Would be nice if Janne or Henkka could answer this.

Tell me what you think!

grtz, Head
I asked something similar a few days ago, and they won't really give you an exact amount or anything for reasons of confidentiality. You have to respect that though. It all depends on the merchandise sales and money that is made from touring. I don't really know too much because I am not signed or anything, but what I do know, is when I was still with my old band, we would get about 150-300 bucks per gig. The record company takes a certain percentage of record sales to cover promotion costs and a little profit on their part.

NP: In Flames - Pinball Map
music is really something to live FOR instead of living FROM IMO....
If you wanna get rich, get yourself some artificial tits and sing pop-songs for teens... :D

otherwhise you might die by hunger pretty soon...

I've heard from sinergy's kimberly that she really made thru some pretty bad times in her musician carreer, she had to lend some money by her parents and had really probs to survive in the beginning.

that's something you have to think of.
there will be some hard years when you start you've got to go through.
and even if you stay strong and keep on rocking, success cannot be guaranteed.
at least this metal thing is a hard business, and depending on where you live it can be almoust impossible to live from that.
you've got to give up and risk everything you have, that's for sure.

alexi built up lot's of tents and stages as a roady before he stood on one the first time, and roope latvala was gardener and dishwasher and all this stuff, and don't plz tell me these guys are not talented... ;)

if it works out I believe it's a cool job, but you've got to be aware of the risks.
Yeah, creating music is mostly about the music, and not the fame/money. Although, fame and money is good because it is a good career. You need to make money some how. That's why I feel some (notice some, not all) bands sell out. For example, Slipknot (believe it or not) sold out because they needed money. Bands like Sprung Monkey (I know this for a fact because my friend knows all of the members and one of them is his sister's BF) sold out for a record deal. Now bands like Metallica sold out because they sold out. They didn't need to, they just did. They are very financially stable. Bands devote most, if not all, of their time to the music that they don't have time to work. Thus, they need fans and money to make a living. Some bands get lucky and get fans that like them the way they are, completely in and out. Like CoB for example. Most, if not all, fans will see that they are perfect the way they are. I know I feel that way. I feel that way about most of the bands I listen to.

NP: Children of Bodom - Bed of Razors
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
Not so much...

What is rock star? Who is rock star? For me is Opeth, Nevermore, etc. For the Most Linkin Park, Korn or other shits.

You are right, I am talking about real rock stars in your meaning!
I think that if you have a band and a job it works out quite well.
A small gig here and there isn't bad. Maybe you have the chance to record a demo and maybe you get a deal, would be even better but if not it's at least a nice hobby!
The_Children_of_Decadence said:

Yngwie has two ferrari's (black and red). But these are not the newest models. He was bought in the late 80's on the top of his carrier. He is so so so talented like Paul Mccartney, but Paul Maccartney have 630 M Pounds. It sucks.

The management and the record company are stoling a lot of money.

But the question is if there is the need to have a ferrari. If I was a rock star I'm not sure if I'd buy one (or TWO!!).... I think I'd only do so if I had a real load of money!
Sure I would love to be rich. Money DOES buy happiness. If I had a quarter million bucks to blow on a car, I would. Yes, it is all about the music, but money DOES need to be made. How can you please your fans with no music when you don't have any money for studio time or equipment?

NP: Control Denied - Consumed

NP: Control Denied - Breaking the Broken
Yngwie has two ferrari's (black and red). But these are not the newest models. He was bought in the late 80's on the top of his carrier. He is so so so talented like Paul Mccartney, but Paul Maccartney have 630 M Pounds. It sucks.

I just recently saw an interview with Yngwie on Swedish TV. They filmed his huuuuge house and also his cars (according to himself he had somewhere aroud 20 cars - Ferrari's, Rolls Royces etc). He is a collector of vintage Ferrari's and of course of guitars (he has something like 200 guitars put up in one room). When asked about his monitary situation he simply relplied "I have enough to not have to work for the rest of my life"....So he's got some cash :)
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
Yeah, but Yngwie one of them. He is in the rock business more than 20 yrs ago. Chuck Schuldiner had nothing.
You are right! His label and some mags started a fund raiser to collect money to help him pay his therapy against cancer.
Unfortunetaly didn't help in the end... :(

btw: is that a picture of you 'The_Children_of_Decadence'? What guitar is that on the picture? Looks like a Jackson ain't it?
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
Yngwie has two ferrari's (black and red). But these are not the newest models. He was bought in the late 80's on the top of his carrier. He is so so so talented like Paul Mccartney, but Paul Maccartney have 630 M Pounds. It sucks.

Come one I dont think you can compare Yngwie's contribution to music to Paul Mccartney's.
But take a point that cob's dont see themselves as some "rock stars". As they were playing a couple of years ago in poland, my mate went to their hotel and Alexi opened the door dressed up with a towel only ( out of the shower I think ) and let them in to have a nice conversation...

Do u think that f/e Ssome stupid titied pop star would do that, or some one like metallica or iron maiden?? I dont claim that they arent cool guys, but they wouldnt live in a hotel without a 100 security staff.

But personaly I think that makeing money comes with the popularity, more popular u become more money u earn, cuz u enter more gigs, ure a main quest on soime festivals and so on...