COB Fans

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New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2006
Hello, was wondering if anyone could help me out?
My name is Graham Slade, I am from Cambridge, England, and I am conducting a study on the uses of
internet forum/message board sites on the internet, and was wondering
if you would be able to answer some questions and/or provide me with
some information, regarding Children Of Bodom in particular.
1. What do you use the Forum for in particular?
2. How often do you log on to use the forum?
3. What sort of things do you view or discuss on the message boards?
4. Do you find message boards important to find out the band's latest News?

I would be very grateful if you could answer these questions for me,
as it would provide me with some very useful information for me to use.

Thank you in advance \m/__(-_-)__\m/
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