What kind of cash do metal bands rake in anyway?

Life can be summed up with one word.... MONEY. We're only here to make money and pay taxes. I don't know whether to get mad or cry!

If you are determined to sum up life in the most depressing way possible then yes. In reality you are not here to make money, you are here to do whatever the fuck you want. As it turns out a lot of things you might want just require money. If it bothers you that much then I recommend becoming a Buddhist. You might learn how to be happy then.
Not that I'm seriously trying to convince anyone to become a Buddhist, but Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion (there is no Buddhist "god" or anything like that). In other words it's a set of ideas that are supposed to encourage you to think and to learn to accept and deal with reality the way it is rather than a bunch of mindless dogma that you are supposed to adhere to.

I'm not a Buddhist or anything, but I do find their philosophies interesting and I do genuinely believe that people who actually follow it are some of the happiest people on the planet without infringing on the happiness and freedom of others at the same time (which is a property that not a single theistic religion seems to share).
If I went out with a female with an ass that my eyes could not leave alone and she told me she loved Abbba I would be a happy person. PRAYS TO GOD
yeah, Chief did. but that was right around the Nephren-Ka album/tour. they've signed a shit deal and basically had to fork over everything they made with Nile except what they got in t-shirt sales.

Not even that. Relapse most likely invested in their shirts as they do for most of their roster, so they take a cut of those sales too. I highly doubt it's any different now that they're on Nuclear Blast. Unless they've got some weird back-end deal like Bolt Thrower.
I think you added an extra zero there (Vadimvom said $25000). There's no way a Cannibal Corpse member would ever make six figures.
Not that I'm seriously trying to convince anyone to become a Buddhist, but Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion (there is no Buddhist "god" or anything like that). In other words it's a set of ideas that are supposed to encourage you to think and to learn to accept and deal with reality the way it is rather than a bunch of mindless dogma that you are supposed to adhere to.

I'm not a Buddhist or anything, but I do find their philosophies interesting and I do genuinely believe that people who actually follow it are some of the happiest people on the planet without infringing on the happiness and freedom of others at the same time (which is a property that not a single theistic religion seems to share).

I like their philosophies myself.. was in a buddhist store today in NYC/Village... :kickass:
I think you added an extra zero there (Vadimvom said $25000). There's no way a Cannibal Corpse member would ever make six figures.

Anything is possible especially if someone is the main songwriter and is collecting royalties on all their albums from the debut to the present time... so those royalties plus the merch, touring, etc.. and CC's albums do sell year after year... not saying millions of albums but thousands at least...
Yeah, I wouldn't intentionally delude myself to acheive a false sense of happiness. Fuck that.

a false idea doesn't make the happiness it creates false

if someone says you're good in bed you're probably happy even if the bitch is just telling you what you want to hear. if she tells you in a month it was a lie, your happiness a month ago was still real, wasn't it?