Profire latency question


Apr 17, 2009
Getting pops/crackles/permanant distortion after using the unit for some periods of time aswell as some funny modulation, think its just due to the buffer size which leads to my question.

Can't find options to adjust buffer size in the profire mixer board software - asio4all is installed but doesn't appear as an actual application in my can i go about adjusting it? Couldn't find anything on the m-audio page
you set the buffer through the Profire DSP mixer. Select the appropriate tab across the top of the DSP mixer app, then select your buffer. You cannot have Cubase running to change the buffer. The Profire's buffer settings can only be changed when your DAW is not running.

I have a Profire 2626 and Cubase 5 and Windows 7. M Audio's drivers have been great. ASIO4all doesn't get me near the performance of the M audio drivers.