Prog Power 1 Attendee's

Joel-RZ said:
I was there! ;) How about this , I was at the dinner after the last Powermad festival in Baltimore (Towson) where Glenn announced to about 15 or so people that he was thinking about doing the fest. Crazy!

Evergrey/Pain of Salvation just blew me away that weekend. 2 amazing performances.

PP1 is also where I met you Bear! ;)

Yes, and I saw you guys both at Powermad and then the first PP! So, of course I was there. I went out there primarily to see Symphony X and Zero Hour. I was interested in seeing Power of Omens live and I had never heard of Evergrey (that has DEFINITELY changed)! It was also PP1 that caused me to get into PoS and even though I was in the front row for them and was wearling a SyX shirt, I can assure you that I wasn't crying! :lol: In fact, for the second night, I was up front the ENTIRE time with Gonzo -- miss that dude! So yes, my first exposure to Evergrey was Tom 2 feet away from me gettinghis hair stuck in the pipes with that low ceiling there! Ah... memories!

I missed 2 and 6 (even though I held tickets) because of external factors, but I don't want that to ever happen again! Still regretting missing Spiral Architect!

PP is so much more than the bands that happen to playing. Perhaps that is why I get annoyed when people start whining about bands that are playing that they don't like. The operative word could be: "yet!"

I completely trust that Glenn will put together a quality festival and have never been let down.
Sure, I was at pp1. I miss the winter dates, to be honest. It was a good excuse to go somewhere. Not necessarily somewhere warmer (Chicago vs. California at the time), but somewhere.

I kind of miss the vibe of Powermad, where there were so many new bands to get into at the vendor tables. Now, with the advent of better internet cd vendors and the proliferation of anonymous, bland prog metal bands, I barely buy any cds at the festival. I will always buy a gold badge to support the scene (and Glenn) but unless there are some drastically good additions to this year's fest, I foresee missing this one. Those headline bands would have to be awesome. Powermad will always have the barbque joint, bar fights, dumb chicks dressed in plastic wrap, and plenty of time to chat with new and old friends. (Someone grabbing your ass again, Alicia?) PP is better music, but not as good for community because there are just too many people I don't know :-)

Rick Pierpont said:
Yes, and I saw you guys both at Powermad and then the first PP! So, of course I was there. I went out there primarily to see Symphony X and Zero Hour. I was interested in seeing Power of Omens live and I had never heard of Evergrey (that has DEFINITELY changed)! It was also PP1 that caused me to get into PoS and even though I was in the front row for them and was wearling a SyX shirt, I can assure you that I wasn't crying! :lol: In fact, for the second night, I was up front the ENTIRE time with Gonzo -- miss that dude! So yes, my first exposure to Evergrey was Tom 2 feet away from me gettinghis hair stuck in the pipes with that low ceiling there! Ah... memories!

I missed 2 and 6 (even though I held tickets) because of external factors, but I don't want that to ever happen again! Still regretting missing Spiral Architect!

PP is so much more than the bands that happen to playing. Perhaps that is why I get annoyed when people start whining about bands that are playing that they don't like. The operative word could be: "yet!"

I completely trust that Glenn will put together a quality festival and have never been let down.

Yep, I was there as well with fellow Cheeseheads Greg & Bill. I was on the Sy-X mailing list, and had met the list's moderator when I was in AZ the year before, and this was a hot topic on the list. I found out that several people from the list were going, and I really wanted to see Nevermore play in a small club, when they backed out & were replaced by Symphony X, I was as ecstatic as I am now for Freak Kitchen. Had a great time, heard great tunes, partied our brains out and had fun. Never knowing how long a fest like this
could keep itself going, I planned on attending every year. I believe it's where I first met Jax, Rick, and Bear, Longshot/Hough as well. Pierpont was the energizer Bunny, closing our room party at just before 6am each morning! :grin:
I'm glad the tradition is still going strong, and after 6 of these, there is no shortage of bands to play the fest, although I expect we're getting close to slim pickin's :) Time flies! That's why I enjoy each and every one of these fests to the fullest of my ability.......

I've been in the hizzouse for all of them so far... I almost had to miss ProgPower III for financial reasons (which ties into the reason I'm no longer on the GB list), but I can't fathom ever not making it to the fest.
I consider myself lucky in that I've seen every US version of ProgPower. I probably wouldn't have taken the chance on the first one if it wasn't a half-hour drive away. To tell the truth, I was only 19 at the time of the fest, and I wouldn't have risked travelling to another state for the show knowing it was a 21 and over event. After debating over sending my payment for a ticket, I thought, "What the hell? Even if I don't get in, I want to support a show like this. When am I ever going to get the chance to see a lineup like this again?" After purhcasing the ticket, it was a matter of getting my then-underage ass into J.J. Kelley's. I had tried in the past to no avail, so I was pretty nervous once I arrived on the first night of the show. As it turned out, Glenn was checking the IDs at the door instead of the regular J.J. Kelley's doorman. I'm guessing that Glenn was only looking for names to check off his list because I got in without any problems. I kept that little tidbit of information to myself the whole weekend for fear that I'd get kicked out. Thank God! That weekend is still one of the best times I ever had in my life. Glenn, I can't thank you enough for (probably unknowingly) letting me into that show under those circumstances. This is just one of the reasons why you have my undying support.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Met-Al said:
I consider myself lucky in that I've seen every US version of ProgPower. I probably wouldn't have taken the chance on the first one if it wasn't a half-hour drive away. To tell the truth, I was only 19 at the time of the fest, and I wouldn't have risked travelling to another state for the show knowing it was a 21 and over event. After debating over sending my payment for a ticket, I thought, "What the hell? Even if I don't get in, I want to support a show like this. When am I ever going to get the chance to see a lineup like this again?" After purhcasing the ticket, it was a matter of getting my then-underage ass into J.J. Kelley's. I had tried in the past to no avail, so I was pretty nervous once I arrived on the first night of the show. As it turned out, Glenn was checking the IDs at the door instead of the regular J.J. Kelley's doorman. I'm guessing that Glenn was only looking for names to check off his list because I got in without any problems. I kept that little tidbit of information to myself the whole weekend for fear that I'd get kicked out. Thank God! That weekend is still one of the best times I ever had in my life. Glenn, I can't thank you enough for (probably unknowingly) letting me into that show under those circumstances. This is just one of the reasons why you have my undying support.

Stay metal. Never rust.

That is a great story! I shared the very same problem at PPI, being an underager at the time. I spent hours trying to memorize all the info on my fake ID in the grocery store parking lot across the street. And YES, you are correct, the ID checking was nonexistent as I slipped in by flashing the gold badge, nothing more.

Funny part is that now I've got a PPI Gold Badge with my fake ID name on the back, rather than my real name.
wow, those are two cool stories. On a different note, I can't believe nobody has mentioned the Thursday night karaoke and specifically the show Russel Allen put on. Every thing from Bon Jovi to Willie Nelson. Man, that was cool.
Well, this will be my 3rd PP. Due to some really shitty circumstances last year we had to cancel last minute, but only death (my own) will keep me away this year!
I was there !

Still the best PP ever. (been to all the European editions and 4 USA editions). Of course you never could call JJ Kelley's a venue, but that was the beauty of it all, the small place, great people and amazing bands together in the wettest condition i've ever seen at PP :)

I am fortunate to say that I've been able to attend all 6 Progpower festivals. I'll never forget the first one because it was such an amazing experience to find out that there were more people in the world that liked the same music as me.

Meeting the people that weekend was sort of like a spiritual awakening...
Rick Pierpont said:
In fact, for the second night, I was up front the ENTIRE time with Gonzo -- miss that dude! So yes, my first exposure to Evergrey was Tom 2 feet away from me gettinghis hair stuck in the pipes with that low ceiling there! Ah... memories!

I remember Pierpont and Ron nudging me to the front of the stage when they saw how short I was, they even hollered "Let the short girl up front".

As for Evergrey, I can remember those guys sitting religiously watching all the bands that played, then when it was their turn the second night (when we were all exhausted and near dead), Tom got up on stage and yelled "Come on get your *!@*-ing hands up in the air" - lol. I can remember Jim Pitulski speaking to those guys immediately after their set.

Ah memories...

BTW, where is Gonzo? Is he ok?
I was there - got to see people again who I met when we played Powermad 2000.
Also got to meet Henk, Bear and Rogue for the first time in person. Many a brew were hoisted ("to hear the lamentations of the women").
Only time I was in that venue where I didn't crew, and only Progpower that I didn't crew...
Wayniac said:
I was there - got to see people again who I met when we played Powermad 2000.

Powermad 2000 was awesome... although I'll never live down the Rubber Chicken Moment... every year at ProgPower, at least one person asks if I brought the chicken. :hypno:
Pellaz said:
I remember after PoS's set at PPUSA I, there were grown men* crying in the front row.

Yep, I was at PPUSA I (haven't missed any, in fact!), and I was right up front, too (probably "2nd" row), and I saw the same thing. Saw a couple of people that way after their set at PP III.

PoS' set at PPUSA I was probably the single best concert performance I've ever seen....and I've seen a bunch. :-)

My PPUSA I pics:

Rick Pierpont said:
In fact, for the second night, I was up front the ENTIRE time with Gonzo -- miss that dude! So yes, my first exposure to Evergrey was Tom 2 feet away from me gettinghis hair stuck in the pipes with that low ceiling there! Ah... memories!

<laughs> That was TOO funny!! I was standing just behind you (to the right), and my friend Todd and I were completely cracking up...Tom up there rockin' out, with about a dozen or so strands of hair stuck in the ceiling. He also got his hair caught in the headstock of Mike's bass, and there were a few hairs hanging from the bass, as well.

See ya at VII!

sccaldwell said:
<laughs> That was TOO funny!! I was standing just behind you (to the right), and my friend Todd and I were completely cracking up...Tom up there rockin' out, with about a dozen or so strands of hair stuck in the ceiling. He also got his hair caught in the headstock of Mike's bass, and there were a few hairs hanging from the bass, as well.

See ya at VII!


You mean in the ceiling!!!!! Sorry Tompa if your reading, I just have to post this pic again, it was kind of funny how low the ceiling was at that place!!!


