Prog Power Headliners

Hell of a headliner .. got to hand it to Glenn for getting high quality bands to perform at PP. I'm not much of a fan of IE these days, but seeign Barlow live will be a thrill for me. I actually have never seen him perform live.

Very cool add indeed.
Shouldn't the headlining spot though normally be reserved for a band that would benefit from such exposure? Just my first reaction when I saw the announcement.
Generic power metal with a nasily vocalist, whats the big deal? :p

The big deal is that I like them and they were one of the reasons for me to consider attending this year. Chances of them coming to the U. S. on their own are slim to none unless it's next year's Prog Power.
I'll be making my return again after missing last year, Oliva and Iced Earth are enough reason for me to get down there. I honestly could care less about the rest of the lineup except maybe Andromeda who have put out a couple of great albums, although I picture them being terribly boring live. Hell I might just tool around Atlanta on Friday if the headliner isn't great, and show up for Oliva and Iced Earth on Saturday. We'll see but those two bands are enough to make me return!
I am also not surprised in the least bit with this one. For me though, I can only swing one major fest a year. The only appeal for PPUSA now is IE and Riverside. No way is that enough for me to spend the kind of dough it requires to go. CPF gets my dollar. ;-)
Astral Doors was one of the reasons that this fest looked better than normal to me...also Elvenking and Iron Savior. Iced Earth is a nice bonus but seen them twice, with and without Barlow.
I've seen IE with Barlow plenty of times, but I'm still interested in seeing them do a headlining set for a big crowd... Well, that and I'm eager to hear Barlow live again. That said, I'm still more interested in Riverside than anything else on the PPUSA bill...