Prog-Power music on Rock Band!


May 31, 2005
New Jersey
Does anyone have any experience with playtesting songs for the Rock Band Network? We've noticed a bunch of Prog-Power bands on there now.

Suspyre submitted "April in the Fall" to be available for download, but we need help getting plays to be accepted. Apparently you can only do this with an XBOX360?

Any help getting us plays will be appreciated!
Gregg, would love to play these songs on RB, but I only have a PS3. Hopefully they will be releasing some of this stuff for PS soon. I was pretty excited about the Network and hearing about what bands were going to start showing up, but then was equally bummed when they said XBox only.
Gregg, would love to play these songs on RB, but I only have a PS3. Hopefully they will be releasing some of this stuff for PS soon. I was pretty excited about the Network and hearing about what bands were going to start showing up, but then was equally bummed when they said XBox only.

I heard they plan on eventually releasing everything for PS3, but I'm not sure exactly when. That is strange how they decided XBox only. As someone who has been out of the video game loop for years (until about a year ago, the newest system I played was Super Nintendo, which is still my favorite!) I find it very exciting that bands now have the video game market to use. Sadly, the physical CD market is deteriorating, so hopefully this will make up for it!
Yep, if you paid an authoring company to get the song up there they will playtest it and such for you. We're gonna be doing that very soon for the new record....
Since it is a peer review process, you not only need an Xbox 360 but also a $99/yr membership in the XNA Creator's Club in order to play test and review RBN tracks before they are released.

Wow...they sure like to make it complicated. We spent many hours preparing for this Rock Band release, so any help we can get would be highly appreciated.