Prog Power Question...


Jan 6, 2010
I remember the video presentation saying that the Wed/Thurs Shows would be announced...but I forgot when. Can someone refresh my memory.
So here's a newbie question.....maybe there's a faq somewhere? How do these extra nights work for non-gold ticket holders? Is it an extra charge? Is it for gold members only?
afaik gold badge gets you entry to the main event friday and saturday. wed/thur both have their own separate tix for all attendees, gold badge holders included.
So here's a newbie question.....maybe there's a faq somewhere? How do these extra nights work for non-gold ticket holders? Is it an extra charge? Is it for gold members only?

USUALLY, the wed night events are in the loft, or Vinyl (seperate "bars" within the main venue itself), and Thursday nights are in the main venue. They are seperate tickets. There have been events for Gold Badge holders only, and there was a free BBQ with music last year in the Artmore courtyard. Watch the forum for ticket/event announcements, and there is an event page on the main PPUSA site, along with a FAQ here: