Prog/tech metal bads. Not only...;)


New Metal Member
Apr 25, 2006
Welcome Everyone!

Huh, there is interesting topic to find bands similar to ZH. Zero Hour is one of my absolute favourite bands, but not only ZH I like...
In my opinion very interesting and really technical/progressive music play incerdibile(!!!) Ron Jarzombek. His music is for me very precious! You should check out his "Phhhp!" and "Solitarily Speaking of Theoretical Confinement" and amazing project called Spastic Ink! Awesome!!!
Of course classic is Spiral Architect, but also may be interesting for ZH fans Power Of Omens, Canvas Solaris ("Penumbra Diffuse" - new album released in Sensory is very good!).
I also very like Gordian Knot's both cds, Cynic, WatchTower, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery.
At the end I want to write a little abaut KIng Crimson. Their albums since Thrak are really technical and progressive. This is fantastic music. Of course all King Crimson is amazing, but these new albums are different than their albums near 1970. I really enjoy music by Trey Gunn, check this guy out!!!

Best wishes, take care everyone

TomeKc :notworthy
spatch said:
Some good bands you mentioned TomeKc
I totally agree with you... There is many inetresting bads... Write abaut all of them is impossible, I only choose some of them, for me precious. I'm still looking for prog/tech metal newcommers :kickass:
Take care
Ooh, Cynic! An amazing band. I first heard them a long time ago and hated it. I'd never heard anything like it before. I was like, fuck this noise! Hehe. I reviewed the reissue of Focus at Metal Reviews, I tell the whole story there if you're interested (in my defiant metal upbringing).

Canvas Solaris sound awesome, but man, I wish they had a vocalist. The same goes for Gordian Knot.

Great bands you listed there, though, Watchtower, Symphony X. Power Of Omens are good, but I think they concentrated on their playing more than the songs, you know? I'm no expert on the band, though, so don't quote me as I've only heard songs from each album, not entire albums.

If you're looking for new bands, bro, check out that Bands That Sound Like Zero Hour? thread I started. If I find any bands similar I'll post them there. I suggest everyone else do the same as I'm definitely no expert (yet) in this little corner of the metal world.
I understand why you perfer bands with vocals Eyesore but for me I can also really enjoy the whole Instrumental vibe I guess because I am also a big Fusion fan.
One of the best bands I heard is a band called On The Virg. This is a combination of Fusion and Metal; think complex rythems with crunchy guitars and good use of hot modal playing. Not a easy album to get into but worth the effort.
spatch said:
I understand why you perfer bands with vocals Eyesore but for me I can also really enjoy the whole Instrumental vibe I guess because I am also a big Fusion fan.
One of the best bands I heard is a band called On The Virg. This is a combination of Fusion and Metal; think complex rythems with crunchy guitars and good use of hot modal playing. Not a easy album to get into but worth the effort.
Instrumental music is great. I prefer this music much better than bands with vocals.
Fusion, heh I really enjoy it. My number one (at this time) is McGill/Manring/Stevens, maybe also Attention Deficit. Try to listen these bands, also Gordian Knot, At War With Self by Snelwar/Manring/Zonder, Alex Skolnick Trio, Todd Grubbs, Ron Jarzombek, Jasun Tipton, Sean Malone, Trey Gunn...
This is all instrumental music, for me very interesting. I'll try to find On The Virg because I'm still looking for new bands
Take care :u-huh:
You probarly have these TomeKc but worth hunting down if you do not
7for4 Both cds
Karius 1st CD is more prog fusion second CD more fusion based
Counter World Experience
Anything by Jonas Hellborg, Shawn Lane and Jeff Sipe. Shawn was a pure genius on guitar I was lucky to see him play
Ohm is pretty cool
Electrocution 250 ELECTRIC CARTOON MUSIC FROM HELL if like really technical mad playing with a strong cartoon vibe
Scott Jones Freedom Imagine Shawn Lane mixed with a dash of Spastic Ink
I just picked up the Canvas Solaris CD for $2 in the used bin on Thursday. Previously I'd just heard the MP3 on Sensory's page. While I would never pay full price for that CD, it's more than worth the $2! Their style is far better than Gordian Knot, in my opinion.