Welcome Everyone!
Huh, there is interesting topic to find bands similar to ZH. Zero Hour is one of my absolute favourite bands, but not only ZH I like...
In my opinion very interesting and really technical/progressive music play incerdibile(!!!) Ron Jarzombek. His music is for me very precious! You should check out his "Phhhp!" and "Solitarily Speaking of Theoretical Confinement" and amazing project called Spastic Ink! Awesome!!!
Of course classic is Spiral Architect, but also may be interesting for ZH fans Power Of Omens, Canvas Solaris ("Penumbra Diffuse" - new album released in Sensory is very good!).
I also very like Gordian Knot's both cds, Cynic, WatchTower, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery.
At the end I want to write a little abaut KIng Crimson. Their albums since Thrak are really technical and progressive. This is fantastic music. Of course all King Crimson is amazing, but these new albums are different than their albums near 1970. I really enjoy music by Trey Gunn, check this guy out!!!
Best wishes, take care everyone
Huh, there is interesting topic to find bands similar to ZH. Zero Hour is one of my absolute favourite bands, but not only ZH I like...
In my opinion very interesting and really technical/progressive music play incerdibile(!!!) Ron Jarzombek. His music is for me very precious! You should check out his "Phhhp!" and "Solitarily Speaking of Theoretical Confinement" and amazing project called Spastic Ink! Awesome!!!
Of course classic is Spiral Architect, but also may be interesting for ZH fans Power Of Omens, Canvas Solaris ("Penumbra Diffuse" - new album released in Sensory is very good!).
I also very like Gordian Knot's both cds, Cynic, WatchTower, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery.
At the end I want to write a little abaut KIng Crimson. Their albums since Thrak are really technical and progressive. This is fantastic music. Of course all King Crimson is amazing, but these new albums are different than their albums near 1970. I really enjoy music by Trey Gunn, check this guy out!!!
Best wishes, take care everyone