PROGHMA-C (poland)


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands
Last year Polish band Vanity surprised us in a very pleasent way with their excellent performance. They tipped us another young talented band from Poland, PROGHMA-C. We checked them out and we were impressed right away. PROGHMA-C is another upcoming star in the Polish progmetal scene. Their debut album is out in Poland and reviews say it is the best debut CD in Poland since Riverside's debut CD. The album will be out worldwide early 2010, be sure to check these guys out, they have something to offer.

Check their myspace and listen to some music:
Jesus fucking Christ. I am stunned. Rene, I love ya.

I will appear here with an extended info about the documentary I have worked on, by the way. Stay sharp.

Thanks so much. :D
Hello, Kuman from Proghma-C here.I,ve got some news for Ya ;)
Proghma's debut album - 'Bar-do Travel' is going to be released in Europe (except Poland where premiere took place on 6th Oct 2009) on 15th Feb 2010.Hope You gonna like it.
i'll import from Poland, it's cheap and a lot faster than waiting for 8 months...
god to love the creditcard.

Do you know of a web shop that has an english version of the shop? The only one I've found so far was a polish one, nd I'm lost in that language.
The album will be available only after it has been released on 15.02.2010. That's also when the shop's english version will be created. The album will be also available directly from the band during the festival.
Hi guys, this time it's Mike from Proghma-C. The band calls me Vaski though :zombie:.

I'll stick around.
Ayreonaut, thanks a lot, got it ordered!

Proghma-c guys, I'm looking forward seeing you playing, and partying wiht ya! :kickass:
This precedent has been set by Seventh Wonder's drummer last PPEU and although it wasn't a private show, he did manage to pretty much undress when the lights were out in our room (much to his distress there were several women around :p)

For you guys I'll settle for you bringing me a beer when we're sitting around in our little get-together every morning before we depart to the venue, because you've been such good sports so far :D