PROGHMA-C (poland)

Hope I won't forget my little electric espresso maker. Guess we should buy some coffee. All we need then is water and an electric outlet. :D
Hope I won't forget my little electric espresso maker. Guess we should buy some coffee. All we need then is water and an electric outlet. :D

My hero! :worship:
Coffee can be a real life saver. BTW can you tell me about Sjiva?
They have good coffee, and beer too, hehe!
It's a great place, really! Stage is big enough for bands with 5 or 6 members, and 70-100 cm high. Both PA and FOH are state of the art and do a good job, as well as the engineer does. I miss a little precision when it comes to muliple note box barrage, but it's quite ok. I can't tell you about the monitoring because I've never been up there on stage.
But I don't think you have a place where you can escape those crazy prog freaks who travel to a little sleepy Dutch town instead of having an out of season vacation at Teneriffa. :D

If you need any specific information, don't hesitate asking Rene, or any of his staff. (I'm just one of the aforementioned)
They have good coffee, and beer too, hehe!
It's a great place, really! Stage is big enough for bands with 5 or 6 members, and 70-100 cm high. Both PA and FOH are state of the art and do a good job, as well as the engineer does. I miss a little precision when it comes to muliple note box barrage, but it's quite ok. I can't tell you about the monitoring because I've never been up there on stage.
But I don't think you have a place where you can escape those crazy prog freaks who travel to a little sleepy Dutch town instead of having an out of season vacation at Teneriffa. :D

If you need any specific information, don't hesitate asking Rene, or any of his staff. (I'm just one of the aforementioned)

Great. That's what I wanted to know. :)
Hi guys!,
Just chiming in to tell you that Proghma-C takes part in the Asymmetry Festival's NeuroMusic Competition. If you think we deserve to win, please spare a few seconds and vote. Remember that you can vote on more than one band - some of them are really rockin'.:)