ProgPower 2008 Forum Poster - Look for it at Center Stage!

Have to work there???
More like have the privilage of working there.
Ha Ha!

It's an 8-week faire.
For the first 3 weekends it's awesome fun!
For the next 3 weekends it's not just a job, it's....a job! But with sometimes-great eye kandy.
For the last 2 weekends it's "when is this thing over?!" :lol:

What do you do there?
Let me guess....
Servant to the Queen?
The town drunk?
A Harlot? (lol)
Dungeon Master?

I'd make a reallllllllllly bad harlot. And an ineffective town drunk since I don't drink (except when tricked into it, like, at last year's PPUSA :))

I vote Pellaz is a harlot for sure!

No really, he's an arms dealer ... no ..... REALLY.

We occasionally deal in legs.

(Yep. I work at Starfire Swords. :) )
If you haven't yet posted a photo, it's not too late! If you can't find a way to post it you can email it to me direct at:
ambr (at) beyondearcandy (dot) com
I'll add the name on if you're not able. Poster's shaping up nicely but it would be cool to have a few more photos or I'll have to fill it in with random shots I've taken. Scary prospect! Get those photos in!
I am's true.
JOP next weekend? You know I'm gonna try like hell...

To the OP: Posting a pic in like thirty seconds. Seriously this time. :Saint:
Mail it to me if you have trouble posting it. Working on the poster right now, so if anyone wants to shoot me a photo "after deadline" - no worries. I can add it right in now. :cool: