ProgPower 2011 - The good and bad

-all the nice people at PPE I met
-basement nights
-seventh wonder, kingcrow, subsignal, long distance calling, in mourning and mekong delta

the accident...
-breakfast coffee and wet chairs
-missed Christer's dj show
-have not rented a bike
-SX setlist and allen's attitude
-my english speaking level
-the heat at the venue

waiting for PPE 2012 ! :kickass:
All you friends, old ones and new ones, you're the best.
The weather
Sole Remedy
In Mourning
Long Distance Calling
Schizoid Lloyd
The marvelous time I had during my dj-session, I'd just love to do it again. :)

The accident
-The people
-The after-parties
-Seventh Wonder, Sole Remedy, Subsignal, DGM...
-The accident
-The heat in the venue
-My inexistent english speaking level -.-" (I promise the next year i'll try to go to PPE with better level)
- The tragic accident, obviously :(

- Heineken :P
- Being too sick to make it to PP on Friday and Saturday

- FRIENDS/PP Family <3
- [epic] hugs
- walks and talks
- amazing weather
- afterparty fun [for as long as it lasted on Sunday]
- Matthias giving up his bed at the Castle to me, so kind :)

Funny how I don't even mention any bands/live performances, huh? I would go to PP even if no bands played, just to see all of you guys haha


*remembers and laughs*

The bad:
- The table didn't break

The good:
- Dancing on the table.

Hehe, so how about if we both gain 20 pounds or so? Would that help? *starts eating chocolate*

The bad:
- I missed PP 2011 :(

I'm very sorry to have missed this year. You guys are a wonderful group of people that I truly miss seeing in the autumn. It somehow feels like the autumn can't begin until I've had a few big whiffs of the fresh, clear air in Baarlo ;)

Missed you too Kirsty! Oh and thanks for the 'mafia donna' protection mode from afar ;)