ProgPower 2013


Cotton Candy Collector
Mar 31, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Anyone going this year? There was a fan-meetup last year, so I am hoping to carry on the tradition. I just bought my tickets for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Would be great to see some of you guys!

Show list is as follows:


In The Silence - USA
Circle II Circle - USA
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody - Italy


Damnation Angels - UK
Myrath - Tunisia
Xandria - Germany
Wolverine - Sweden
Ashes of Ares (Matt Barlow's new band) - US
Soilwork (co-headliner) - Sweden
Shadow Gallery (co-headliner) - US


ReinXeed - Sweden
Heaven's Cry - Canada
Wolf - Sweden
Circus Maximus (co-headliner) - Norway
Armored Saint (co-headliner) - US
Sabaton (co-headliner) - Sweden
I was originally planning on being there to work the fest like I have in the past, but I recently moved back to Florida and the funds and vacation time just isn't available to me to make the trip this year which is incredibly unfortunate because there are some bands I was really looking forward to seeing.
You're telling me, Pat...

All of those bands look appealing...but dishing out that kind of cash would be murder on my finances.
I can't make it this year, but I am happy that labarum is picking up the reins and trying for a second Theocracy fan gathering, which was a pleasantly-surprising success last year :grin:
We won't be able to make the gathering this year. We've decided to go to see Kamelot, Delain and Eklipse @ the Masquerade at the end of September instead of ProgPower. I wish we could do both!
Sadness...looks like it will be a gathering of One this year. Still wearing my shirt the first night though.

Georgia, I had to make that choice too, but since I saw Kam at PP last year, I decided to do PP again. Plus I HAVE to see Myrath, I am beyond stoked.

So I just figured out Theocracy is actually playing a gig in FL on that Saturday, so there is little to no chance that they will be hanging out, because they'll be likely packing/unpacking all their gear for the road/travelling.
There are definitely some good bands there. It would be worth going for Xandria alone. Too bad that's way too far for me. :(

BTW, I was looking at their site and ReinXeed cancelled.
Wow, just saw the roster for next year's ProgPower. Will definitely be going to that!

ProgPower USA XV Roster:

FRIDAY roster:
Stratovarius - US EXCLUSIVE appearance (Finland)
Seventh Wonder - performing "Mercy Falls" in its entirety - WORLD EXCLUSIVE! (Sweden)
Overkill (US)
Leprous (Denmark)
Orden Ogan (Germany)
Disperse (Poland)

SATURDAY roster:
Jon Oliva's Pain performing "Streets: A Rock Opera" in its entirety WORLD EXCLUSIVE! (US)
Pain of Salvation performing "Remedy Lane" in its entirety - WORLD EXCLUSIVE! (Sweden)
Masterplan (Germany)
Voodoo Circle (Germany)
Divided Multitude (Norway)
Withem (Norway)

Tickets on sale October 1, 2013