ProgPower Attendees With Health Issues


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Mar 29, 2003
I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I thought that maybe some people might think this thread might be morbid but it is an honest curiosity of mine. I am a diabetic AND a kidney dialysis patient. I was curious if there are any other diabetics attending ProgPower. If so Private message me as I would like to respect your privacy. Since I am diabetic thus not able to drink it would be great to meet new people.
The_Q said:
I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I thought that maybe some people might think this thread might be morbid but it is an honest curiosity of mine. I am a diabetic AND a kidney dialysis patient. I was curious if there are any other diabetics attending ProgPower. If so Private message me as I would like to respect your privacy. Since I am diabetic thus not able to drink it would be great to meet new people.

Dude I am not diabetic or have any illness( i think?!)...and I don't drink much either...does that mean I can't be your friend anyway? :D
I'm diabetic, but almost everyone that knows me already knows that, so I don't have a problem talking about it. I never was much of a drinker before I was diagnosed, so I really didn't have to change that part of my life. We go to PP for the music, and rarely leave the theater except to go to the bathroom, so we do about zero socializing. But I've found that the PP crowd is probably the friendliest crowd at any music festival, and it's easy to strike up a conversation with folks around you if that's what you want to do.

My main thing is to make sure I eat actual food both nights. I didn't eat dinner on Friday as I didn't want to miss a second of the show, and got extremely ill on Saturday morning. I won't be doing that again...

As far as nametags go... the PM Board did the nametag thing a few times, and it worked out okay. Someone (Guy, I think) brought a bunch of them to the fest and they were put by the entrance table. Perhaps if someone wants to do this for the ProgPower board, it wouldn't be a bad idea.
I have reactive hypoglycemia. So basically I need to make sure that I eat a good meal (can't eat a cinnamon roll and think it will hold me all day, because I will crash - lol) on a schedule and I always carry a granola bar or two with me should I need to something to tide me over until I get to real food.

I don't drink either.
Hey Babs wanna hit that place we went last year? I think it was in the school building right next to the Earthlink. I hope it's still there.
I think that is a legitimate question.. :)
i would tell you i don't drink much but then you had to put up with me last year so that may take some convincing... ;)
Well my brother's fully recovered from his chemo, but he's still gonna be careful and not drink at the show. Plus his hair's gone, so he's gonna hate not being able to efficiently headbang. It really pisses him off. It's like taking a guitarist's favorite guitar away, and tell him to rock. It can't work.

So are we gonna section off one part of the Earthlink for all the 'crips' to hang out? We can wear gang colors an sheeit! :lol

And guys, don't ever be ashamed of your illnesses. It sucks to have to deal with it, yes, but no one should ever think lowly of you just because of that. Your actions dictate who you are, not a disease. I mean, shit... I bet some of you guys would still be thrashing around on the front railing even if you had IV drips going! \m/
The_Q said:
Hey Babs wanna hit that place we went last year? I think it was in the school building right next to the Earthlink. I hope it's still there.

Sure, that would be a very nice place to grab lunch. For those of you who wander Midtown in search of food, there is a small sandwich shop down the block from Earthlink (and around the corner) next to the law school. The guy who runs it is very nice and goes out of his way to make us PP goers welcome and is very apologetic when he runs out of fries (giggle).

BTW, does anybody know if there will be a TEOF gathering for lunch this year?

Q, when do you arrive in Atlanta?
Bryan316 said:
I mean, shit... I bet some of you guys would still be thrashing around on the front railing even if you had IV drips going! \m/

My mom is still feisty as ever and she's hooked up to an IV pole!