ProgPower Documentary Project :) - a small research


I do it for the honeys
Sep 19, 2006
Hello all

My name is Wojtek Kutyla (some of you may know me) and together with Daniel Klein (some of you may know him as well :) we will be working on a ProgPower documentary this year. This will finish in a photography project called - temporarily, as a work in progress - the "Face of ProgPower". We want to show the real image of festival, a community of great people and fantastic music.

Before we'll start, we'd like to collect some data. Please have a look and fill our small survey (it won't take you more that 5 minutes). All your help is much appreciated!

Here's the survey:

Thank you!
W & D
Did we mention that this is also a lottery whose winner gets to be asked embarassing, private questions by me?

Nah, just kidding. YOU'RE ALL WINNERS!