ProgPower Europe


Dec 28, 2006
Hi everyone. Just wanted to inform a bit about your European “cousin” ProgPower Europe, for those who might now know. I don’t work for them or anything, visited it for the first time in 2013, just wanted to inform people about the line-up, and hear if anyone have some opinions/experiences about the festival? I know some of the people on here have been over…

PP Europe 2014 takes place 3-5 October, as always at JC Sjiwa in the little village of Baarlo south in the Netherlands. The line-up is now complete, with 14 bands on the bill. These are:

Pain of Salvation (Sweden)

Pagan’s Mind (Norway)

Jolly (USA)

Votum (Poland)

Voyager (Australia)

Agent Fresco (Iceland)

Disperse (Poland)

Aeon Zen (UK)

Prospekt (UK)

Vulture Industries (Norway)

Chimp Spanner (UK)

Aeon of Horus (Australia)

Tenebris (Poland)

Cartographer (Netherlands)

Pagan's Mind, Voyager and Pain of Salvation have played the festival before, the rest is "newcomers". Jolly is headlining the Friday (with Votum as co-headliner), Pagan’s Mind is headlining the Saturday (with Voyager as co-headliner), and Pain of Salvation is headlining the Sunday, with Agent Fresco as co-headliner.
Agent Fresco from Iceland added to the line-up. Statement from the PP crew:

"One of the most unexpected additions to the ProgPower Europe 2014 line-up will probably be: Agent Fresco. This Icelandic band won Músíktilraunir (battle of the bands) in 2008, a Icelandic Grammy for best new artist in 2009. In 2011 their album "A long time listening" was released. The band is currently working on a new album. This album will be released in September.

Adding Agent Fresco to the line-up shows the diversity that the ProgPower organization is aiming at. This year’s line-up again is a mix of well-established bands and lesser known names. Covering a broad spectrum from melodic progressive metal to rhythmic and loud progressive metal."
PAIN OF SALVATION confirmed as the final headliner! :headbang:

On Friday evening the final act for PPEU 2014 was announced, and personally, I was NOT disappointed; one of the bands I've listened to the most the last year or so (can't believe I didn't really discovered them untill then), the announcement of the incredible Pain of Salvation made the perfect Easter present for me and many others. Even though the line-up was solid before, I kindof missed a band with the "wow factor", like Wolverine or Haken last year. Now I got it, and October can't come quick enough.

Statement from the organizers:

Pain of Salvation completes ProgPower Europe 2014 line-up

"The Swedish band that has more than earned its merits in the Progressive Metal scene returns to ProgPower Europe! From their debut album Entropia to The Perfect Element, BE and the Road Salt albums Pain of Salvation have a created a diverse catalog that many are looking forward to seeing on the ProgPower stage.

By announcing Sunday’s headliner the ProgPower Europe organization have completed their 2014 line-up. In full the line-up is:"


HEADSPACE: 20.00-21.15 hrs
JOLLY: 22.00-23.45 hrs


DISPERSE: 13.30-14.30 hrs
PROSPEKT: 15.00-16.00 hrs
AEON OF HORUS: 16.30-17.30 hrs
— diner break —
CHIMPSPANNER: 18.30-19.30 hrs
VOYAGER: 20.00-21.00 hrs
PAGAN’S MIND: 21.45-23.30 hrs


CARTOGRAPHER: 13.30-14.30 hrs
TENEBRIS: 15.00-16.00 hrs
VULTURE INDUSTRIES: 16.30-17.30 hrs
— diner break —
AEON ZEN: 18.30-19.30 hrs
AGENT FRESCO: 20.00-21.00 hrs
PAIN OF SALVATION: 21.45-23.30 hrs
Usually some cancellations appear, and this year is no exception; unfortunelately, Headspace have cancelled their performance at ProgPower Europe. The following statement was issued on their website:

"Regrettably, Headspace have had to postponed the European dates in October until early 2015 (Dates to be announced soon) and sadly will not be appearing at Progpower Europe."

I think it has something to do with their album not being out in time for the planned shows in early October. Of course, they could have played PP anyway, but it's their decision. A shame.

The crew are now looking for a replacement, which they hope to confirm pretty soon.
And pretty soon it was. Replacement for Headspace is Votum. The Polish band recently toured with fellow compatriots Riverside, raising their profile as the support act.

Personally I'm happy with the choice, Votum is a good band from what I've heard, need to listen to them a bit more though. I actually have their 2nd album "Metafiction", without having listening to it that much.
Jolly just made a post saying they will be playing both parts of The Audio Guide to Happiness in their entirety. I wish I could go because that'll be a hell of a show.
So, ProgPower Europe 2014 is history, and boy, what a blast it was. Unfortunelately Pagan's Mind had to postpone their headliner performance till next year, but something really great came out of it; Pain of Salvation decided, in generous agreement with Glenn, to play the entire "Remedy Lane", as well as a 70 min set on the saturday, consisting of mostly old material (read; "Entropia" and "The Perfect Element").

Needless to say, both shows were fantastic, especially the RL one, which was the last show of the weekend. I teared up during "Undertow" and "Dryad of the Woods", and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Actually, seeing them perform the album live enhanced my spiritual and emotional connection to it even more. What a beautiful tale of Life...

Of course, there were some other memorable performances too. Voyager, taking over the saturday headliner spot, absolutely BLASTED it. :kickass: I mean, that was the best live performance I've ever seen. It had everything; tight musicianship, high energy, great interaction with the audience (they even played a medley consisting of everything from Backstreet Boys to Ghostbusters), and last but not least; they had FUN on stage! Especially Simone had some incredible facial expressions, and is, along with Ragnar from PoS, my new hero :)

Jolly also did a great appearance, playing both "Audio Guide to Happiness" albums in full. In addition, they were hanging around the whole weekend; in fact, I travelled with them both from, and back to Schiphol. Really nice guys.

Of course there were lots of other highlights as well, I'm sure you as ProgPower goers know that there's a lot more to it than just the music :)

Some setlists from the weekend:

Well, the "real" reason I thought of writing in this thread again, is because there've already been some band announcements for next year. ProgPower Europe 2015 takes place 2.-4. October, as always at JC Sjiwa in the lovely village of Baarlo. The following 6 bands are confirmed so far:

Pagan's Mind (Norway)

Leprous (Norway)

Myrath (Tunisia)

Abnormal Thoughts Pattern (USA)

Serdce (Belarus)

Until Rain (Greece)

The 8 remaining bands will be announced early next year. Early bird tickets go on sale 1 December, with advance sales tickets being available 4 January. For all info, like PPEurope on Facebook, and check out their website,
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New band confirmation: Karma Rassa

Hailing from St. Petersburg, Russia, this young quintet released their debut album, "Music Into the Void" in September 2014. They play dark, atmospheric music in the veins of Katatonia, Riverside and Amorphis. Dense guitars are accompanied with airy pianos, creating some really nice textures.

Personally I'm happy with this booking. I have listened to their album from time to time, and I like the darkness and atmosphere of their sound. Looking forward to seeing this promising act on stage in Baarlo.
^^ After Rene posted a video from Karma Rassa yesterday, I went straight to bandcamp and bought the CD. I am not disappoint. If you like Amorphis and Paradise Lost with clean vocals and slit-your-wrist metal, go for it!
New band confirmation already: Schizoid Lloyd from the Netherlands. I honestly don't know too much about them, but will check them out. They played PP Europe in 2011.

8 bands booked then, 6 to go....
2 new announcements today, both bands have never player PP before.

Exxasens is a post-rock band from Spain. They have released 3 albums, most recently "Satellites" in 2013.

Caligula's Horse are from Australia, and play progressive alternative rock. Starring Arcane singer Jim Grey, they released their last album, "The Tide, the Thief, and River's End", also in 2013. It's an exclusive performance in the Netherlands, and they will play 75 minutes on the Friday.

4 bands left. Still waiting for Distorted Harmony....Riverside or Symphony X would be amazing too.
The band announcements keep coming; latest addition to the bill is another Spanish band, also from Barcelona: Obsidian Kingdom.

It's getting closer..3 more bands to confirm. One opening band, and two co-headliners. Hoping for some really great bands, as there is no bands on the bill so far which makes me jump up and down. I'm waiting for this year's Pain of Salvation, that name that will really notch it up...
And we're down to 2 more announcements before the line-up is finished: Opening the Saturday will be Armed Cloud. Hailing from the Netherlands, this will be their first apperance at ProgPower Europe. That is, as a band, because drummer Rico Noijen happens to be the offical basement afterparty DJ! Will for sure be a special occasion for him.

2 co-headliners left to announce. Who will it be?
Today the second to last band was announced: Soen. The band featuring ex-Opeth drummer Martin Lopez will co-headline on Saturday 4 October, before Pagan's Mind.

1 band left, then. Rene said it will be announced at the end of the make that May ;)
And the line-up is complete! Playing ProgPower Europe for the first time, San Francisco prog rockers ENCHANT will co-headline the festival on Sunday 4 October. The band was booked for the 2013 edition, but had to cancel their European tour. Now they make a long-awaited return to Europe, and will play a 1 hour and 15 mins set in Baarlo.
Complete line-up ProgPower Europe 2015

Myrath (Tunisia)

Pagan's Mind (Norway)

Leprous (Norway)

Vola (Denmark)

Soen (Sweden)

Enchant (USA)

Schizoid Lloyd (The Netherlands)

Animations (Poland)

Exxasens (Spain)

Obsidian Kingdom (Spain)

Karma Rassa (Russia)

Serdce (Belarus)

Armed Cloud (The Netherlands)

Until Rain (Greece)
The almost inevitable cancellation didn't happen untill quite late this time. Caligula's Horse have decided to skip their ProgPower performance for an extensive European tour with The Shining later this year.

The band put out the following statement on Facebook:

"It is with heavy hearts and deepest regrets that Caligula's Horse must announce our withdrawal from Progpower Europe 2015.

Progpower is a festival that we hold in the highest esteem; the lineup choices, venue, and organization are impeccable. Our withdrawal has nothing to do with any of these factors, it is simply a matter of logistics. We will be undertaking a far more extensive tour of Europe later this year, and unfortunately the space between that tour and Progpower is too great for both to be possible financially. In a perfect world financial concerns wouldn’t be the factor limiting us from playing for our fans anywhere, but for a band as young as ours, we really have no choice. The decision has been made with our fans in mind: either we play one fantastic show in The Netherlands, or play for our fans all across Europe. The decision was not an easy one to make.

For those angered by our withdrawal, and to the festival organizers we apologies deeply. To our European fans, we will see you soon."

Sam & Caligula's Horse

A bummer, and not everyone is happy with the cancellation, though most people understand the reasoning behind the decision.

A replacement is already booked, though. Vola from Denmark will open the festival, with a co-headlining performance prior to Myrath.
ProgPower Europe 2015 - Time Schedule

Friday 2 October 2015

VOLA: 20.00-21.15 hrs
MYRATH: 22.00-23.45 hrs

Saturday 3 October 2015

ARMED CLOUD: 13.30-14.30 hrs
KARMA RASSA: 15.00-16.00 hrs
EXXASENS: 16.30-17.30 hrs
— diner break —
SCHIZOID LLOYD: 18.30-19.30 hrs
SOEN: 20.00-21.00 hrs
PAGAN’S MIND: 21.45-23.45 hrs

Sunday 4 October 2015

UNTIL RAIN: 13.30-14.30 hrs
SERDCE: 15.00-16.00 hrs
ANIMATIONS: 16.30-17.30 hrs
— diner break —
OBSIDIAN KINGDOM: 18.30-19.30 hrs
ENCHANT: 20.00-21.15 hrs
LEPROUS: 22.00-23.45 hrs
Another cancellation; Abnormal Thought Patterns unfortunelately have to throw in the towel. Boss Rene posted the following on Facebook today:

"Sad but true, Abnormal Thought Patterns are forced to cancel their performance at ProgPower Europe 2015. Due to health problems drummer Mikey is not allowed to travel to Europe for the next couple of months. The band is really sad about this, they were really looking forward to PP.

This means we have an open spot. Bands that would like to play this year on Sunday 4 October and are available, please send a mail to No messages through facebook or whatever, only emails will be taken seriously.

We will book the replacement this week and announce the band next Saturday."