ProgPower: know anyone who needs a ticket or gold badge?


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
SwordLord and I find ourselves with one too many ways to get into ProgPower. We have two gold badges and one regular ticket. Does anyone know anyone who would like to buy either one gold badge ($135) or one regular ticket ($90) at face value? GA residents, I’m looking your way….

This is a sold out show. There’s got to be somebody dying to get in!
Seriously? If so, have one of them e-mail me ASAP. We still have the extra one in hand and would like to have something arranged before we leave town, so we're not walking the streets of Atlanta as scalpers :D

We arrive in Atlanta at 1:38pm on Thurs and could make the exchange anytime after that.

tk421 AT geesper DOT com
FYI, we ended up finding someone to sell it to.

I'm sure we'll start a ProgPower thread when it is over, but a quick update:

First, I am writing this in the hotel lobby in Atlanta. Stratovarius is sitting in the lobby. This is so cool.

Second, Circus Maximus totally blew me away tonight. That singer has some incredible pipes.

ProgPower is worth the trip to Atlanta! I think I'll be back next year...
Agreed, as I said in the PP thread...I rank it (best to worst)

1) Conception
2) Angra
3) Circus Maximus
4) Orphaned Land
5) Manticora

Conception and Angra killed. I only knew one album from Conception, but they slayed the place. Plus they looked like they truely enjoyed themselves onstage, making it all the more meaningful. And Angra never ceases to amaze me with the talent of their musicianship. Simply incredible and a good set. Glad they did Heroes of Sand - one of my favorite songs of theirs.

Circus Maximus was very good, but their stage presence was lacking (my power metal side!). Solid set, and they closed with Imperial Destruction (loves). They were in the top 3 of the night for me. Looking forward to hearing more from these guys, their debut has some good catchy songs and not too overly progressive like bands like Zero Hour

Orphaned Land and Manticora didn't do anything for me though, and I have albums from both. :(

Part of the reason I didn't like Manticora was the sound. Whoever is running sound at this PP is not doing a great job IMO. Conception was the best sounding act, while the others had faults usually in some area. Guitars too loud, drums too loud, etc.

Oh well, you win and lose some. Stratovarius tonight - the band that I really started my practice with guitar on. Can't wait for it
Sadly, I have only found time to listen to the new Theocracy track one time (and nothing else from the sampler) so far. I'm caught in a three week span of massive concert going/travelling, and my tradition is always to bone up on the band if I know them well, or listen to as much of their stuff as I can if I don't know much. All of my music listening time has been dedicated to that this week.

I've got Queensryche and Ripper Owens (Beyond Fear) this weekend here at home. Next weekend it's the prog/power metal festival MadPower in Madison, WI (you may have seen people flyering for this at ProgPower) and Priest/Anthrax in Milwaukee.

So, I will listen, I promise! Review to come then. I just didn't want you to think I didn't like it ;)
Matt Smith said:
I was starting to wonder that myself! ;)

A lot of people here really seem to dig it, so that's good.

:yell: I want to hear samples! :D

I'm also interested in hearing something about the Pyramaze track...
My ProgPower review:

I went to this show basically knowing nothing about the bands. I do own one Strato CD (Infinite). SwordLord made me a mix CD with 1-2 songs from each of the bands performing (except for Angra and Symphorce) which I had been listening to for a few weeks. I also had downloaded four songs from Circus Maximus' website.

Given my lack of knowledge, it's hard for me say too much about the music, as I normally have to listen to something 5 times before I can even decide if I like it or not.


I only saw OutWorld. Not a big fan of the vocals, but the guitarist was just incredible. I spent the whole time watching him play.


- Manticora: way, way fun band to watch. Frontman is a joy to watch perform. 200% energy! Playing God is a good song.

- Circus Maximus: loved 'em! What an incredible vocalist. I went and bought their CD right after their performance. This is exactly how metal vocals should sound, IMHO. They need to work on the showmanship aspect, but I was enthralled by the vocals, so I was fine with the lack of stage presence. Met these guys at the meet and greet and they were just cool.

- Orphaned Land: kind of interesting with the Middle Eastern influence. Like the song Ocean Land. I may have to look into them. Not a fan of death metal vocals, but that seems to be only like 25% of what they do. I will say that they had the most dedicated fanbase. Their fans had really come out for this band. I saw more of their shirts than any others. I talked to someone from Dallas who came only for this band (they also did an acoustic set at the PreParty); she even said that she hates power metal and might not watch any other bands. I was amazed at how many guys I saw with huge Orphaned Land tattoos on their arms.

- Conception and Angra: no particular thoughts. They seemed to be good at what they do, but nothing grabbed me.


- Stride: like 'em. Good show. I bought the CD right after their set. Face The Day is stuck in my head. Met these guys at the meet and greet and they were very, very nice and personable. The lead singer was late, so those of us near the front got to talk to them for like 10 minutes until he showed up.

- Symphorce: I was on the barrier for this. Never having heard a song before, this was still fun. Good tunes, good performance. Very straight ahead metal.

- Pink Cream 69: I like these guys. I thought the lead singer did not do well when talking (he made some comments that should never be made to an audience). I like their tunes and the vocals, but didn't think this was that good of a performance.

- Therion: what an interesting performance. The guys doing the normal metal stage show plus the opera singers being all dressed up and hardly moving is wild. I never thought that metal + opera would be cool, but it is. I will definitely look into these guys some more. Sadly, I had to leave 5 songs into their set, as I had a buddy who lives in Atlanta coming to pick me up to go to his place. Therefore, I missed Strato as well :(

Hanging out in the vendors' room is also very fun. New music for my collection:
- Freternia: A Nightmare Story (this is a dragons-n-warriors looking CD; it was $1; the vendor said it was actually a good band, but the Mexican distributor is a nightmare and hence them getting rid of them for $1)
- Avian: From The Depths of Time
- Circus Maximus: The 1st Chapter
- Stride: Imagine
- Saviour Machine: Legend: Part II (new for only $6!)
- Rhapsody: The Magic of the Wizard's Dream single (has English, Italian, French, and German versions)

- 2 Pyramaze t-shirts

The coolest thing for me this weekend happened in the vendors' room. I happened to be standing near Lance King's (ex-Balance of Power, Pyramaze, Avian) booth when he announced that he and the Avian guitarist (Yan Leviathan) would be doing a quick acoustic, unplugged set. Now, I've been a huge Lance King fan since BoP. Some years later, I learned that he's from Minneapolis, so now I get to go and see his local cover band as well, which is a blast. There was a group of about 15 of us that made a circle for them to play in. Anyway, Lance and Yan played an Avian song. Then another guy took Yan's place on guitar (I think someone said he had been Helstar's guitarist) and they played Queensryche's "Take Hold of the Flame". It was freaking sweet. The music itself was so quiet that I'm sure that no one outside of 40 feet had any clue that it was even happening. When they had the 15 of us singing the "TAKE HOLD!" part of the chorus, everyone else in the vendor room would look over and wonder what the heck was going on. Someone asked for Lance to do a BoP song (Savage Tears, I think) and he said he would if anyone knew the guitar part. No one did :(

Talk about being in the right place at the right time! I was quite happy. Sadly, they had to cut it short at two songs, because Pink Cream 69 was about to start in the main room. While this doesn't quite match up to the lucky people who got to hear Midnight of Crimson Glory do an impromptu acoustic one hour set in the hotel last year, at least I got something special!

I definitely plan to be back next year. If Theocracy is in any way involved, that would be the icing on the cake. Plus, Yan said that he'd be surprised if either Pyramaze of Avian isn't on the bill somewhere. More icing.

Next year, I will start learning about these bands months, rather than weeks, in advance! I know I'd have had an even better time had I known more of the music. I also meet so many cool people from all over North American. It was nice to be in place where I can mentioned any power metal band and everyone (mostly) is a fan. So cool.
PP6 items I forgot to mention:

I saw a dude with a Theocracy shirt and went up and talked to him. He was from Knoxville. He is on the ultimatemetal forums generally, but not the Theocracy forum. I told him to come and hang out with us. I can't remember his name, but he was a cool guy.

Also, it was very nice to meet Matt, his wife, and Brent from Athens, GA!