ProgPower mentioned again on Eddie Trunk SHow.

The thing I do appreciate about Trunk is that he doesn't speak in depth about stuff he doesn't know about. I mean, let's face it. If all of a sudden he interviewed Blind Guardian (Would never happen) and then started the interview with , "I have been a fan since Follow The Blind" this forum (and many others as well) would be in an uproar!
I can understand all the attempts to get a PP mention from Eddie. There are enough 40 somethings who tune into his XM or tv shows who would be thrilled to see how metal has grown up since 1990. When I try to explain prog metal to my once metal buddies, I tell them to consider it a blend of Rush and Iron Maiden. While not 100% accurate, it puts it in terms they can understand. I now have several of them listening to Kingcrow, Redemption and yes, DT.

Imagine Glenn getting 10-20 more early ticket sales a year from Trunk mentioning this cool festival we all love. It would have eased our beloved sensei's life significantly, and would have fewer of us worrying that next year is the end of the current iteration of PP.
That would be great for the fest, BUT....most of Eddie's listeners would probably have no clue and thus no interest in the bands at ProgPower. Let's face it, there aren't too many people out there who would be willing to shell out a few hundred dollars (tickets and travel)to go to a music fest made up of bands they've never heard of. Would you? For the most part, the crowd that attends PP are pretty frikken' passionate about the music....we'll investigate any band associated with the genre and are rabid about purchasing the music to support these bands. I don't think we can say that about the casual Eddie Trunk fan.
Heh.. I was thinking "Not me!", but then I realized that while I'm very accepting of most forms of metal and progressive rock, I'm a complete snob when it comes to most other genres (with the exception of punk, new age, jazz, and blues).

If someone starts talking about Maroon 5, Lady Gaga or whatever the latest flavor of pop music is, I'm the first one to start making gagging noises - oddly enough, I seem to remember my parents doing that when I broke away from their 60s/70s music so many years ago. :)
These are the kinds of things I see on twitter from fans that make me laugh...

He deserves all the negative feedback he gets. STUMP THE TRUNK? Seriously? Thats just flat out comical.

The worst part about that is that if they are going to continue to write the questions for the fans (which they obviously do) they should at least practice them with the intended person beforehand. Its extremely comical when the person asking the question mispronounces bands or band members,.
I met Eddie Trunk once at the Gramercy. Didn't really know who he was (not American) and I guess an expectation was not met. Loud guy who has to inform anyone within earshot that he's in the know.