ProgPower USA Contest


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
This is an informal contest that I am only announcing to the readers of this forum. It's fairly simple. I am in a bit of creative rut when it comes to designing my Crew t-shirt (not the regular shirt for the public). I'm looking for a good slogan/quote for the back of the shirt. There are no limitations other than I cannot use profanity (have to keep the sponsor happy).

The rule for the contest is that you *must* email me your entry. Anyone that posts their entry on this forum (or anywhere in public) is automatically disqualified. I'm going to run this contest until I find a winner. That could be 2 days or 2 weeks.

The winner gets:

1. A crew t-shirt
2. A trip backstage on either night (NOT both) to visit the bands.

Good luck.

Glenn H